Joe Biden Admits Donald Trump ‘Knocked Him down’ in Debate – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Admits Donald Trump ‘Knocked Him down’ in Debate

And it gets worse. Adam Kinzinger broke up with him, too.

President Joe Biden admitted Friday that former President Donald Trump “knocked him down” in Thursday night’s debate.

Pressure is mounting on Biden to step down, as many Democrats and media members displayed hysteria following the disastrous event. Donors are reportedly backing away from Biden’s reelection campaign.

Sixty-seven percent said Trump won the debate, a CNN flash poll of debate watchers found Thursday night. more

26 Comments on Joe Biden Admits Donald Trump ‘Knocked Him down’ in Debate

  1. Out, Joe…Trump knocked you *out*. I wish he could have thrown a punch over your shoulder and into Jill’s skanky face. But I’m sure somebody is going to do that real soon.

  2. “But what I do know is how to tell the truth.”

    “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
    -Isaiah 5:20

  3. Your ass got fact checked, and I stopped reading at ten, um, non-truths. You’re either a stinking liar or so brain damaged that you’ll believe anything that Satan whispers in your ear. Probably both.

  4. The idea that this zombie got anywhere near 81M legitimate votes is malarkey. It’s all been theater, it’s about time that the plausibility of the narrative reflecting reality being accepted as tenable became so preposterous that anyone other than an Ivey League “educated” Women’s Studies major or dedicated watcher of The View could defend it.

  5. Looking back over his 50 years of grifting.
    No, I don’t think he knows how to tell the truth.

    Biden is the poster child for “pathological lying”.
    Pathological lying is a sign of some mental health conditions, especially personality disorders.
    Biden can’t help himself.

  6. If anybody saw his rally in North Carolina yesterday you saw the difference when he has to think for himself and when they shoot him full of Adderal and he reads what a speechwriter wrote for him off his teleprompter. He won’t drop out of the race because Jill won’t allow it. Yesterday she said she’s loved him all her life. I thought, yeah, starting when you were 16 and he was banging you on the couch. When his wife ran a stop sign she swooped in and got her claws into a crooked politician.

  7. Joe knocked himself down. He’s been running himself into the ground for years.

    He hasn’t gotten back up recently. And his wife and closest handlers are now guilty of elder abuse and should be charged.

  8. Biden* was sliding into a cognitive black hole well before he was appointed to his current office. That the professional chattering class is so “shocked and surprised” with his dismal debate performance reaffirms for me they are fools or liars or, more likely, lying fools. OTOH, there is some merit to the notion that he was thrown into the deep end strapped to an anvil so the process to replace him could begin.

  9. Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up. Don’t forget 0bama’s reverse Midas touch… everything he touched turned to shit. Add the two together and stir in with all the half asses both have hired, remembering, second rate people surround themselves with third rate people, and you get the spot the commies… sorry, democrats, but I repeat myself, find themselves in.

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.

  10. Trump didn’t even need to prepare for the debate, the goddamned fools running Biden scoff at anything time tested and widely accepted such as the wisdom attributed to Mark Twain: It is better to keep one’s mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

    Progressives, particularly Democrats, narcissism demands that they axiomatically apply it to anyone who has the temerity to not allow them to rule over every aspect of their lives, but in their arrogance cannot and will not apply it to themselves either individually or collectively.

    After getting away with the daylight theft of the 2020 Presidential election in which a critical mass was able to be convinced to not believe their lying eyes and defer instead to what they are being told by The Party to believe, they actually believed themselves invincible.

    They were preparing the environment in the lead up to this shitshow to tell everyone who watched it that they didn’t actually see what they thought they saw, what they actually saw was a Joe Biden win. Hey, why the hell not? People saw suitcases of ballots being pulled out from under tables they had been secreted under after everyone except Democrats had been evacuated under the guise of a staged water main break, and fed into tabulators. If enough would believe the narrative on that one, fuck me sideways if the sky isn’t even the limit to our power to control what enough of them accept to get away with anything.

    Just the fact that the primary actors in the Covid scamaramma haven’t been charged with crimes against humanity, faced tribunals and been shitting in their pants while being hung has more likely than not fed their egos to the point that they actually believed they could pull this off.

  11. Aaaaaaaannd it was on live TV!
    Now if was behind the proverbial gym that lying Jackass would be bragging about how badly he whipped Trump with one hand tied behind his back!

  12. These arrogant, narcissistic shitbags have been doing whatever they damn well please while juicing up that Goddamned corpse from time to time and trotting him out and displaying him for all to see. They had academia, the Deep State, the entertainment industry, corporate media and big tech either producing and distributing propaganda thta would make Goebels blush while simultaneously censoring and suppressing anything that didn’t support the Party narrative and have been getting away with it.

    To believe that they didn’t think they could actually pull this one off is to deny reality. Collectively, and in many cases individually, the dirty motherfuckers believe themselves to be greater than God almighty. But for them being dealt the terrible injustice of them not occupying the place in the grand scheme of things they would occupy the place that God himself occupies.

    They are dedicated followers of Satan, they knowingly and willingly have bought into every promise Satan has made them and believe everything that he has told them regarding their infilled destiny. What else could explain the stunned looks on their faces as soon as they dropped the puck and the game was on.

    The debate itself wasn’t even in the same league when it comes to an embarrassment as is the fact that they went in thinking they could pull this off. Yes, the debate was an embarrassment, but far, far beyond that is that it is but a part of the larger embarrassment that this entire Biden shitshow of a scam represents.

    His debate performance is an allegory of the entire last three and a half years. The entire Goddamn thing from his transtestical hermaphrodite Cabinet appointments, running around the country stealing women’s luggage off baggage carousels and nursing a baby on television with a strap on fake boob.

  13. What I find most curious is the feigned surprise of Joe’s disabilities !

    This was the basement candidate for 2020! He was so cognitively and physically challenged that the dems kept him hidden away.

    “81 million” voters elected an invisible, grifting, do nothing president! “81 million”!

    And so began the most heinous presidency ever. Using every possible weapon to enrich the collaborating politicians, launder American funds, pander to our enemies, and flood America with millions of unknowns, and politically persecute anyone questioning the tyranny lead by the heinous Marxist democrat party.

  14. @ Mm SATURDAY, 29 JUNE 2024, 11:06 AT 11:06 AM

    The Party been going forward under the assumption that the opposition that they same play, straight out of the same old tattered and worn playbook is going to take them to victory. They have been busy prepping the environment for Bird Flu, but that flopped. They are still under the impression that political prosecution will get them over the line, but that backfired bigly. They have but one constituency that isn’t defecting and that is the ones who are dedicated to child sacrifice (abortion, child grooming and/or child gender mutilation) to their Dark Prince.

    The rest are no longer solid. They have not been able to make move any significant numbers from the pro Trump MAGA camp and other that the ones all in for child sacrifice their base is not enthusiastic. There is simply no way they can cheat to the degree necessary.

  15. Donald Trump didn’t knock anyone anywhere. Joe knocked the corn pop out his own stupid ass. It could have been far, far worse, but had Trump finished him he would have risked being accused of piling on. It was one own goal after another all night long.

  16. Mm SATURDAY, 29 JUNE 2024, 11:06 AT 11:06


    I think they picked the senile bastard because he wouldn’t be able to come up with his own ideas anyway and was an excellent, obedient puppet. Albeit a very sloppy one that couldn’t ever keep up the facade. They relied on the DNC media to gaslight everyone.

    We all know he hasn’t been running the show.

    Funny how 100% of the fake media flipped 180 degrees on that at the same time.

    American Kabuki theater, anyone?


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