Joe Biden agrees ‘we’re doing’ $25 minimum wage for renewable energy workers – IOTW Report

Joe Biden agrees ‘we’re doing’ $25 minimum wage for renewable energy workers


After being confronted by a woman asking about his climate plan, Joe Biden agreed that it would include a $25 per hour minimum wage for those in the renewable energy sector.

“What about $25 an hour minimum wage for renewable energy workers to move them out of fossil fuels?” the woman asked Biden during an event in Keene, New Hampshire.

“Sure, that’s what we’re doing!” the former vice president responded. 
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20 Comments on Joe Biden agrees ‘we’re doing’ $25 minimum wage for renewable energy workers

  1. And if equivalent jobs in the other sectors are paying less (because they’re worth less)?

    Nothing stratifying or divisive about that, right?

    The Left likes to talk about divisiveness and blame it on Trump and the Right, but every single bit of it is a result of their actions whether the divisions were intended or unintended when they created the divisive policies.

  2. Spain dove into alternate energy and tried
    to build its economy around it.
    Within several years Spain went broke.
    Germany tried and found that it had to move
    thousands of people out of their houses because
    there wasn’t enough power from alternates.
    Now these horse’s asses want to play at it after
    Solyndra and the Kenyan already stole 500 billion
    of our money for the political payoff.

  3. Yay! for Supernightshade for finding that Youtube clip of my favorite line from Star Trek !

    Actually, the FULL clip has Bones saying:

    “He’s worse than dead.” and then, “His brain is gone.”

    Joe Biden is worse than dead.

  4. Sign me up, NOT! Who do these dumbasses think that they’re fooling? And as for Biden and the democraps go they’re all living on an imaginary planet of unicorns, rainbow farts, fairies and pixies and elves and other imaginary creatures and money growing on trees and genies and magic fish granting three wishes etc. They’re all dumber than dirt. just go away and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  5. Other than name recognition and assumed electability he has nothing going for him. Sure why not just promise every voter group whatever they want. He doesn’t even know what state he is in let alone what he said he’d do on any given day.

  6. I made a joke on a Breitbart Story that old Joe said

    “I remember JFK stopping by the Whitehouse and High Fivin Barry”

    A Woman replied “JFK would never approve of 0bama”

    I responded

    “It would depend on whether or not it was before, or after, the


    She hasn’t replied.

  7. He could pay them 1000 per second to work in alternative energy, but that still doesn’t make alternative energy a valid energy for use under every circumstance. He’s just blowing smoke up her ass and he knows it.
    There are people dumber than Joe out there.

    Oil and coal are forever and ever. You still need them to power ‘alternative energy’.

  8. For this to work Pres Joe will need AOC as energy czar. This economic genius will tell fossil fuel companies that they cannot offer wages competitive with the green sector. She will also need to set price controls on energy based on its source.

    Then blame Trump, white men and capitalism for the resulting chaos.

  9. So… lets have…

    …forced high wages propped up by our taxes

    …in an energy sector that has to be subsidized by our taxes because it’s not profitable otherwise

    …because Solyndra wasn’t a big enough clusterfuck to satisfy that complete fucking assholes who run the democrat party.


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