Joe Biden Already Violating the Logan Act – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Already Violating the Logan Act

DanBongino: Joe Biden sure is lucky his name isn’t “Michael Flynn,” because if it was, he’d have a Kafkaesque legal battle ahead of himself for years to come.

While Biden has only been crowned the president-elect by the media, he’s already in the process of talking to foreign governments about his planned agenda (if he can remember it). more

8 Comments on Joe Biden Already Violating the Logan Act

  1. Was thinking about this as well, the whole Flynn mess.

    BUT the defenders will say “Joe is a presidential elect and therefore needs to do it, Flynn on the other hand was not the president…(he was only the incoming head of the NIA)…and they will ALSO say but Joe was not talking to Russia Russia Russia!

    The real question!

    Did he call Ukraine or China or Humpter YET??

  2. It’s beyond sickening to think just how the lying, commie liberals are immune to criminal charges from our inept republican elected officials.

    The commission of such acts and the omission of criminal charges are the very essence of why the 2nd Amendment was included in the U.S. Constitution.

  3. Joe Biden talking to world leaders is premature, at best,
    Assine at worst, he has no official standing,
    Other than FORMER VP,
    He only becomes “President Elect” when PDT concedes,
    Don’t hold your breath for that to happen,
    Your face will be very, very, deep blue.


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