Joe Biden assembling White House transition team – IOTW Report

Joe Biden assembling White House transition team

TheHill: Former Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that he’s begun assembling a White House transition team so he’ll be able to staff up quickly in the event that he defeats President Trump in the 2020 election.

Speaking at a digital fundraiser hosted by Jed Katz, the managing director of Javelin Partners, Biden said he first started putting together a transition team shortly after his string of primary victories on Super Tuesday in early March.

“I promise you that has already begun,” Biden said. “Sounds presumptuous. I don’t want to say we started thinking about it a month ago, we did, because that sounds like I was certain this was going to happen that I would be the nominee. I don’t want it to sound like that, but it has to happen and that’s why the transition team is already being put together.”

The transition team will play a role in guiding Biden’s appointments to his Cabinet and to lead the government agencies.

The former vice president did not give any indications about who was on the transition team or whom he’s considering for top-level roles within his potential administration. read more

SNIP: Read the comments section at The Hill. The Progs are doing everything they can to avoid talking about trainwreck Biden and instead are threadjacking to talk about Rudy Giuliani for some reason. lol

33 Comments on Joe Biden assembling White House transition team

  1. Jackass Joe can’t organize a two car parade! I’d be surprised if he can get his dentures in right without help! The man has Looney Tunes playing in his head! His Swamp handlers are doing all this including picking out a new Presidential candidate to shoe-in at the last possible moment!

  2. I didn’t want to say this, but since I already started, even though I wasn’t going to, just so you know, I promised I wouldn’t make advance statements about any of my positions, not that you shouldn’t know them, but just that they may be jumping the gun, like this one is, sorta, if you know what I mean. Jill, are the cookies done? Jill’s baking cookies. I like cookies. We have ’em all the time. It’s a practical thing 🙂

  3. I’m sure his cabinet is being chosen for him by Soros and other New World Order leaders. Trying to sell more of America to the world to fill their pockets.
    Haven’t heard a word about donations from Biden, Clintons, Obamas, or any of the other Dem Dumasses. I’m sure that if any of them gave 50¢, the media would make it the greatest donation of all time.
    They only have the ability to spend someone else’s money.

  4. Biden is heavily recruiting the whole “Muppets” cast for his Transition Team. He’ll especially rely very strongly on Gonzo to provide the proper direction for what needs to be done.

  5. This Just In: Joe Biden is building his very own personal White House, which according to the press reports will be an exact replica of the real White House. in case the election doesn’t turn out the way massive voter fraud & Joe expects, his tranny team can move in & rub his hairy legs & sit on his lap … he loves kids sitting on his lap!

  6. Preparation Theater. It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book: make bold, elaborate preparations for something that technically could happen, but likely won’t, so that you can appear to be ready and prepared for something without having your actual preparedness put to the test.

  7. Since no one is going to entertainment venues Larry, Moe, Curly and the Keystone Kops must now be available and of course will prove to be indispensable to Crazy Joe!

  8. The reason they are threadjacking, or whatever they do, is because Rudy is on WABC radio 770AM at 4:00 DAILY these daze. Get the live stream.

    That is what has them shaking in their designer boots. And he mentioned the word VAULT on Friday, should something happen to him.

    He goes on at 4:00pm ect, I listen, then I put on the daily POTUS briefing which I stream, live on You tube, I highly rec this and you should watch the comments section that rolls like an old wall street ticker, if anyone remembers that. Many, many Trump supporters and keep seeing the letter Q show up??

    He rescued NYC, he will help to rescue this country.

  9. I was in a B-42 Bomber, 7000 feet below sea level, and I saw these hairy legs, and some little kids… aww shit… and Corn Pop was shaking his fist at Pressed Rat! Warthog’s striped tie cried to the sun!


    Corn Pop got woodworm and broke into three.

    But wait, oh Joey’s productive you know
    He produces the finest of sound
    Putting drumsticks on either side of his nose
    Snorting the best licks in town
    But that’s all over…

  10. Lather was thirty years old today
    They took away all of his toys
    His mother sent newspaper clippings to him
    About his old friends who’d stopped being boys
    There was Harwitz E. Green, just turned thirty-three
    His leather chair waits at the bank
    And Seargent Dow Jones, twenty-seven years old
    Commanding his very own tank
    But Lather still finds it a nice thing to do
    To lie about nude in the sand
    Drawing pictures of mountains that look like bumps
    And thrashing the air with his hands

    But wait, oh Lather’s productive you know
    He produces the finest of sound
    Putting drumsticks on either side of his nose
    Snorting the best licks in town
    But that’s all over…

    Lather was thirty years old today
    And Lather came foam from his tongue
    He looked at me eyes wide and plainly said
    Is it true that I’m no longer young?
    And the children call him famous
    What the old men call insane
    And sometimes he’s so nameless
    That he hardly knows which game to play…
    Which words to say…
    And I should have told him, “No, you’re not old.”
    And I should have let him go on…smiling…babywide

    Lather, Jefferson Aeroplane.

  11. Yes, Extirpates, because she cleverly hides them. Joe can’t be trusted with a plate of cookies. And looking for the cookies will keep Joe occupied – and focused – for hours. That allows her to focus on the campaign.

    Excuse me while I have a piece of home-baked, cinnamon cake.

  12. I’d like to see the Venn diagram of “Biden Transition Team” and “Durham Indictments”, if only because it would mean that Durham had indicted people.

  13. I’m beginning to think that Mrs. Obiden Bama is more deranged than her husband. At least the Very Former Vice President has Alzheimer’s Disease as an excuse. What’s her excuse? Doctor Jill knows better than anyone that her Poor Joey is rapidly declining, and yet she continues to pretend he’s mentally able to handle this campaign. Lately, Jill Obiden Bama has been sitting beside him at most of his blubberthons. Jill Obiden Bama must be slipping herself if she thinks he can make through the Dementiacrat Convention and all those meetings and rallies. She’s got a lean and vacant look herself lately. Maybe dementia is contagious?

  14. Joe has failed the appropriate priority list skill test.
    He should assemble a MHT, mental health team, before assembling a WHTT.

    I haven’t a clue who Jed Katz, & Javelin Partners are, but anyone with any business dealing with them better start looking for the fastest exit.


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