Joe Biden Blasts the Obama-Biden Economy – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Blasts the Obama-Biden Economy

Sounding very much like a candidate for president, today Vice President Joe Biden spoke at an AFL-CIO Labor Day event in Pittsburgh, Pa. “I’m mad, I’m angry,” Biden thundered, attacking the U.S. economy as “devastating for workers.” MORE


11 Comments on Joe Biden Blasts the Obama-Biden Economy

  1. Oh it’s that tired old meme again: “The wealthy aren’t paying their fair share.” It’s like medieval names, recycled ’til you start to wonder if those three or four were all they could think of.

  2. An economy isn’t a healthy one when certain segments of said economy are under attack. So Joe wants to tear down 40% of the economy and that’s the plan to make it better? I might have not been very good at English like Joe, but I did pass math without a problem.

  3. The last 6 or 7 years have devastated the economy! If people aren’t out there making money, how we (the gov’t) gonna take there money and give it to the nig … uhh … the less fortunate … after taking our cut?

    These big old fat greasy mob … uhh … union bosses … y’know … like Trumpka … he’s a Dick, by the way … how they gonna keep the workers in they’re places if them damned workers gets to keep too much of our money?

    It just ain’t fair that bosses and politicians can’t have enough money to pass around so’s we can stay above the fray.

    If I’m elected I’ll end ObamaNomics and institute Bidenomics!
    Free shit for EVERYBODY!
    Just more free shit for some.

  4. I don’t get why we, the peons, can’t see the disconnect between politicians SAYING ‘the rich’ aren’t paying their fair share and the damn ‘very-very-rich-on-taxpayer-money’ politicians not being considered part of ‘the rich’.

    Oh wait, I know the answer to that one: The politicians MAKE the laws, then EXEMPT themselves, including being counted among ‘the rich’.

    BAAA, we the sheeple, will not connect the dots of reason! Term limit the bastards and NO FURTHER EXEMPTING THEMXELVES FROM THE LAWS THEY CREATE. They should NOT have diplomatic status! Bastards.

  5. no no it makes sense for him to blast the economy –

    Because it’s the republicans’ fault. And Bush, too.

    0bama inherited a mess! So it’s bad! It sucks! He’s angry about it, too!

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