Joe Biden Bought His Luxury $2.75 Million Rehoboth Beach Home In Cash Following Hunter’s ‘Shakedown’ WhatsApp Message to Zhao – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Bought His Luxury $2.75 Million Rehoboth Beach Home In Cash Following Hunter’s ‘Shakedown’ WhatsApp Message to Zhao

GP: Joe Biden purchased his luxury $2.75 million Rehoboth Beach, Delaware home with all cash after Hunter Biden threatened his Chinese business partner in a $5 million shakedown.

In June, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapely revealed Hunter Biden demanded payment from his Chinese business associate over WhatsApp messenger.

On July 30th, 2017, Hunter Biden demanded payment and threatened Henry Zhao, a Chinese Communist Party official and director of Harvest Fund Management.

Harvest Fund Management had previously invested in Hunter Biden’s firm, BHR Partners – a private investment fund founded in 2013 that is co-owned by the Bank of China. more here

17 Comments on Joe Biden Bought His Luxury $2.75 Million Rehoboth Beach Home In Cash Following Hunter’s ‘Shakedown’ WhatsApp Message to Zhao

  1. IRS, which poor soul, going through a divorce (male or female), are you auditing with a microscope for taxes being in arrears while Joey Shitpants, Dr. Coloring Books & the Crackhead avoid MILLIONS of Taxes?

  2. so here is someone who never had a real job only public office and surprisingly he can buy an almost $3m house in cash? bullshit on my ass! if he is not prosecuted that means we all can cheat on our taxes as we are all equal in the eyes of the law. so if he can cheat so can we.

  3. @DocTar – “…I wonder when democrats are going to figure out Biden’s been enriching himself at their expense?…”

    That was a joke, right? Cuz we both know that democrats get their propaganda “news” from state run “news” sources. Ergo, they will never figure it out.

  4. Dr. Tar,

    Like Nanny Pelosi, the most successful stock picker in History?
    They are ALL doing it, just more discretely that The Pants Shitter.


  5. Just read this headline somewhere today: Average American wages (this past year?) increased 3.7%; Average wage increase for the top 100 congress men and women, 114%. That’s purely take-home pay, and doesn’t include their individual office budgets, travel expenses, healthcare, etc.

    BTW: The congress thwarts every bill that is worth anything that would hold them to account for activities that would land the rest of us in prison. Think on that. And even the ones with fancy and serious sounding names — like the insider trading law — carries laughable penalties. I think that one has a $200.00 fine and that’s about it. No, D.C. takes very good care of themselves.


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