Joe Biden Bumps Heads with Pope Francis at G7  – IOTW Report

21 Comments on Joe Biden Bumps Heads with Pope Francis at G7 

  1. They’re obviously trying to kill or incapacitate—I mean completely incapacitate—Biden by June 27th. Or they’re laying the groundwork for an excuse when Joe seizes up hard at the podium. I can hear i can hear Karine Jean Pierre Delecto and Hurrbie Kirby now:

    “President Biden was just too busy being President to prepare for this debate. Trump callously pushed this absurd debate schedule, knowing full well how hard Joe was working for America. About what you’d expect from a Convicted Felon.”

  2. “So the Vatican is one of the 7?”

    No Francis was one of the skydiving exhibition team the G7ers were watching. He had a hard landing, hemce the wheelchair.

  3. You could slam both of them with a 2×4 and it wouldn’t affect their cognitive ability.
    The anti-pope and the anti-president are both anti-American and both are half-assed Catholics.

  4. Dementia Joe exhibiting one of the traits of his condition – losing his balance and being very disoriented. It’s a wonder he didn’t fall head first into Comrade Pope’s lap.


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