Joe Biden Compares Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley to Nazi Propagandist Joseph Goebbels – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Compares Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley to Nazi Propagandist Joseph Goebbels


President-elect Joe Biden compared Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels on Friday, saying they shared responsibility with President Donald Trump for the riot on Capitol Hill.

Biden declined to say that Cruz and Howley should resign, but said they should be defeated at their next elections.

“They’re part of the ‘big lie,’” Biden said, saying that they had spread false information about the election being stolen.

They’re part of the big lie, the big lie. I was being reminded by a friend of mine, and maybe you were with me, I can’t recall, when we told that, you know, Goebbels and the great lie, you keep repeating the law, repeating the lie. Well, there was a print that when Dresden [in Germany] was bombed, firebombed [in WOrld War II], there were 250 people that were killed — was it 2,500 people that were killed? And Goebbels said no, 25,000 — or 250,000 were killed. And our papers printed that. Our papers printed it. It’s big lie [sic]. People will notice — it’s one thing for one man, or one woman, to repeat the lie over and over and over again. By the way, Trump said [sic] that before he ran. If you say it enough, I’m going to convince you, I’ll say it enough, “The press is bad, the press is bad, the press is bad, the press is bad.” If he’s the only one saying it, that’s one thing. But the acolytes that follow him, like Cruz and others, they are as responsible as he is. And so, it’s not about whether or not they get impeached. It’s about whether or not they help — can continue to hold power because of the disgust the American people have for their actions. There are decent people out there who actually believe these lies. Because they’ve heard it again and again.

It is not clear what Trump quote Biden was referring to, but in fact, 25,000 people were killed in the firebombing of Dresden. The National World War II Museum notes that 25,000 is not even the highest estimate:

A widely accepted estimate is 35,000 killed during the 37 hours of terror. Rival claims go far higher. The German government, however, proposes 25,000 as a defensible guess. Since so many victims were immolated after the attacks, we will likely never know the precise number.

While Goebbels is associated with the “big lie” idea, he is often misquoted. Goebbels himself accused the British of using the “big lie” as a propaganda technique.

Biden also compared Trump to Goebbels during the 2020 presidential campaign. As Breitbart News noted at the time: MORE HERE

26 Comments on Joe Biden Compares Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley to Nazi Propagandist Joseph Goebbels

  1. With all the censorship that’s going on today and having to listen, let alone look at this asshole, I’m ready for a beer 🍺 and no news for the weekend, except for maybe a little iotw. 😉

  2. Look guys, this hard pressure is done purposefully. It isn’t just for Trump it’s for us, too. They’re trying to break you. Ignore them. Don’t go to sites that have all negative and melodramatic articles. Breitbart, unfortunately, is doing this.

    This will pass. Wait them out.

    These pressure tactics are tactics dictators use and we shouldn’t fall for them. Keep your powder dry.

    Starting this weekend, the way we post things are going to change.

  3. Oh, yeah. They will also criminally charge him with inciting a riot. That will be their crowning jewel. Video of Trump’s arrest and booking photos will break the internet. They may even deny bail. I would not put it past them.

  4. demonrat(s) & national socialists (nazis):

    .a REAL NAZI named a. hitler invited the virulently anti-semitic muslim “grand mufti” of jerusalem to berlin sometime around/during ww2, much like the baby-killer d-suckers welcomed ellison, grobama, rat-s**ta tlaib & ilhan omar/blows-more into the dhimmirat-party in recent years.

    .REAL NAZIS used gun control as they murdered the majority of the Jewish population of europe, the same evil that sniffer-joe gro-biden/crime-alla & the skate-board ***hole from el paso want to install in America.

    .try sucking blm d**k when you get done with nazi ‘schwanz’.

  5. AS THE LIES GROW presidency.

    Like stacks of jello cubes, the lies will fail.

    I hope the lies keep growing in number and scope and the world stands with its mouths hanging open at the blatant travesty that has become America.

    Global Marxism blob grows.

  6. Miss Kitty
    “…With all the censorship that’s going on today and having to listen, let alone look at this asshole, I’m ready for a beer 🍺 and no news for the weekend, except for maybe a little iotw…”

    I love your comment. In fact, you’re one of my favorites. I’m tipping a glass right now as I type! Cheers! 🍻

  7. So, just to unpack the levels of Bidentardation for this Dresden example. The two numbers cited for the death toll are 25000 and an inflated 135,000 — which was made up by a Holocaust denier

    So, this great student of history needed three swings to get to one correct answer, and then he whiffed on the inflated number. So he was unable to keep TWO NUMBERS straight in his head

    Then he makes the asinine claim that “THEY” (you mean newspapers in the West, Joe?) took the Nazi propaganda minister at his word because they were suckered by the “big lie” technique

    All of this would have gotten him laughed out of my Freshman World History class back in high school

  8. Callmelennie,

    “…All of this would have gotten him laughed out of my Freshman World History class back in high school…”

    Therein lies the rub. You were actually taught history.

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