Joe Biden, Cooing Cannibal – IOTW Report

Joe Biden, Cooing Cannibal

American Thinker:

By Jeffrey Folks

I listened to part of President Biden’s recent speech congratulating himself upon Senate passage of the $1.9-trillion infrastructure bill — a “bipartisan” plan that seventeen Republicans were foolish enough to support.  The “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act,” as it’s called, is a mammoth boondoggle laden with union favoritism and minority set-asides — the most corrupt piece of legislation yet, though overshadowed by the proposed $5-trillion American Families Act.

Once again, what stood out was that creepy, sotto voce delivery, leaning into the camera with the look of one who’s got what he wants but wants more.  Biden’s delivery was not only strange; it was sinister.  What I heard in Biden’s delivery was a politician intent on concentrating power in Washington — for his party, for himself, forever.  

In this kind of Hannibal Lecter moment, Biden’s voice is truly disturbing because it reveals what no politician should admit: that he lives for power and that power is built upon the ruin of others — the hundreds of millions of Americans who will be harmed, and who are already beginning to be harmed, by Biden’s spending plans.  In moments like this, Biden reveals himself as a political kleptomaniac, bound on taking everything and always in the name of doing good “for the children,” for the women, for the poor, for the “people of color,” for those who are “struggling” and “just need a little help.”

The text of Biden’s speech begins with the familiar claim that he intends to “transform America … changing the pattern of life in America.”  That is something none of us should wish for.  American life has been, until recently at least, the freest, most affluent, most comfortable and rewarding life on the planet.  Why should we wish to surrender our freedom for a centralized economy in which our speech and behavior, as well as our salaries and job opportunities and education from pre-school to college, are all controlled by the State? read more

5 Comments on Joe Biden, Cooing Cannibal

  1. The same creepy voice he uses when he whispers in the ears of little girls as he nuzzles their necks, when he definitely has “the look of one who’s got what he wants but wants more.”

  2. “He is a cunning, manipulative, totally political animal with a lifetime of experience in duplicity.”
    Must have been the body double.
    America, bend over and spread your cheeks, we’re coming for your prosperity.
    How dare you believe in that Life, Liberty, and Happiness stuff.
    It’s the socialist way.

  3. Well, by now, we can begin comparing the eventual benefits of an American-loving, free-enterprise businessman who had never served (to my knowledge) a single term as mayor, governor, congressman, senator or even dog catcher to a career politician who has seldom (if ever) participated in any form of American free enterprise, held any non-political gainful employment in the great American private sector, or even attempted starting his own part or full-time business. But, maybe it was because of his “asthma” in his teenage years while playing high school football and other sports. But, no one is perfect.

    Both became presidents. One loves and defends his Country. The other lies to, steals from, and apparently, appears trying to destroy Our Country.


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