Joe Biden Coughs His Way Through Press Conference – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Coughs His Way Through Press Conference

What was he choking on?

WTF? lol —>

26 Comments on Joe Biden Coughs His Way Through Press Conference

  1. @Anymouse

    A ruler on the knuckles for you. It’s “loogies” not “luggies”. Exact spelling is so critically important when we discuss bodily effluents and discharges.

  2. Benito-
    They’re always obsessed with the first one of anything. To the point I hate it. How about the most qualified or is that not related?
    Not going to happen Joe, back to the basement.

  3. “…to get the nation vaccinated…”

    Well, it’ll be hard to be the President of “all Americans” if you’re gonna try to force something on the people that 60% or more don’t want.

    You’re a liar and a cheat.

  4. TimBuktu DECEMBER 14, 2020 AT 10:06 PM

    Thank You!
    My humblest apologies for the gaff…
    It’s difficult for me functioning in a fourteen dollar world with only a nickel brain.

  5. Why does Honest Joe – The People’s Choice – sound so angry at Trump? You’d think he’d be happy and magnanimous in victory. Why does he insist that Trump must concede?

  6. @I can’t imagine seeing Fauci for another year!

    Remember, we’re dealing with the guy who called his own supporters lying DFPS’s, insulted their physical appearance, wagged his finger in their faces and poked them in their chests. Given that he’s running his mouth safely away from Trump, he’s actually showing restraint in his language.. I’d love to see what a meek, shuffling shitweasel he’d become if he were face to face with PDT.

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