Joe Biden Forgets The Declaration Of Independence But He’s Really Excited About “Super Thursday” – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Forgets The Declaration Of Independence But He’s Really Excited About “Super Thursday”


Federalist– Former Vice President Joe Biden appeared to forget words to the Declaration of Independence Monday during a campaign stop in Texas, the day before Super Tuesday primaries.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” Biden began before trailing off to forget the rest of the line. “All men and women created by- go- you know- you know the thing.”

The “thing” of course, is the Declaration of Independence. read more

[Read a run-down of Biden’s best slip-ups here.]

19 Comments on Joe Biden Forgets The Declaration Of Independence But He’s Really Excited About “Super Thursday”

  1. Does he ever realize what he says when he makes a gaffe? Does he realize but just doesn’t care to correct himself? Or is he really just medically or physically naturally wrong like that?

  2. If, God forbid, that thieving/lying/dementia ridden bastard ends up in the whitehouse, an immediate call for the 25th amendment is in order. Hopefully that will never be a concern.

  3. Most of us can agree that Joe the Tard is also in full blown dementia but, what of of the I.Q. of anyone that would want this mental derelict in the White House.

    This Country truly needs an all-out culling of the herd if we wish to survive.

  4. Can you imagine what it would be like to be Biden’s sign-language interpreter? Even the great Thamsanqa Jantjie would be severely challenged.

    “whottefock dat man just say?? dog faced…pony soldier?? Oh man, me hands be gettin’ tired.”

  5. @A concerned citizen:

    If, God forbid, that thieving/lying/dementia ridden bastard ends up in the whitehouse, an immediate call for the 25th amendment is in order. Hopefully that will never be a concern.

    That 25th amendment call is totally dependent upon who the veep is, and whether the Reps take back control of the House.

  6. @MJA ~ Yes

    @Uncle Al ~ PDT will make the VP, for whomever the dRat’s pick (Bernie, Biden or Gloomy Bloomy) a yuuuuge campaign issue … none of the 3 B’s would make it through 1 term as POTUS

  7. When is the MSDM going to stage an intervention by starting to ask some simple questions about this gaffaholic? Our Poor Joey needs to be placed in a quite, secure facility with no sharp objects. Once the medical staff realize that Biden is a harmless fantasist, they will encourage him to entertain the other patients with his tales of daring do and big deals. Eventually, he will start sleeping eighteen hours a day, and pushing his carrots and peas around on his plate for hours at a time. I’m just glad that he’s the MSDM’s “Great Straight Hope.”


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