Joe Biden Has Another Challenger – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Has Another Challenger

Well, Maybe… The Media Wants This To Happen Very Badly.

12 Comments on Joe Biden Has Another Challenger

  1. Knew this ages ago. Why do you think his Aunt Nasty Nance on several occasions invited Gruesome Newsome to “tour” the White House w/wo Demwit Joe or Barry, when he was in office, being there. Trying out the Resolute desk no doubt.

  2. The powers that be want a Newsom vs Desantis match-up. CTH has pointed this out, why they keep talking about them debating each other etc. Because at the end of the day both will have the same overall economic and foreign policies. They run against each other on social issues and whoever wins the system wins. Why Desantis has Clinton, Obama donors, they are all hedging their bets to get one of these controllable clowns in.

  3. @Anonymous
    AT 5:07 PM
    “Newsom is such a loser. He has nothing to offer, no vision worth a shit and he’s as corrupt as any of the swamp garbage infesting US politics.”

    It doesn’t matter to all the “progressive” women, who will vote for him because he is “pretty” and has great hair.


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