Joe Biden has lost the plot – IOTW Report

Joe Biden has lost the plot

Sky News host Rita Panahi shares her confusion as to why US President Joe Biden was “taking directions from a bunny” in a clip that has gone viral.

20 Comments on Joe Biden has lost the plot

  1. That Easter Bunny thing was devastating. They tried hard to do damage control on Monday by having an Easter Bunny interrupt Psaki at a press briefing. It was all a big joke with Biden and the bunny, you see, and Biden was in on it. It was not embarrassing or cringeworthy at all. Please clap.

  2. I was going to go on a long tirade but it’s almost dinner time and I still haven’t been out to the curb to bang my knives and make them rusty.
    With Bidenflation I’ve had to buy lower grade cuts of beef so I’ll need a good, dull, rusty knife to cut them.

  3. My father is suffering from mid- to late-stage Alzheimers.
    I can’t stand one single thing about Biden, but I think I hate his wife and handlers even more.
    This shell of a person should be cared for instead of paraded about. It is sickening to see.

  4. I have a hypothesis on the rabbit/bunny thing. I believe that some inclusivity group that prefers rabbits was tired of squirrels getting all the credit. Think about it. When a distraction is made, regardless of the context, most folks refer to a squirrel as the diversion. There is a rabbit consortium running loose in DC, bound and determined to undermine the noble, yet hyper-nervous, squirrel. Squirrel Lives Matter!

  5. JDHasty
    APRIL 20, 2022 AT 6:49 PM
    “About 80% of the time he looks like a two year old that lost his Binkie”

    …The other 20%, he looks like a child rapist.

    Because that’s what he is.


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