Joe Biden Has Nothing to Hide (Except His Past Record) – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Has Nothing to Hide (Except His Past Record)

Comments at the link. 🤣

Miscellaneous 8 hours ago
Joe Biden is running for president. Children are running from Joe Biden.

Ramsay Bolton

8 hours agoJoe Biden has nothing to hide, because he already forgot all his sexuall assaults.

Eileen D

7 hours ago BIDEN: “No, I never sexually assaulted Tara Reade. In fact, I never saw American Pie OR Sharknado!”

8 Comments on Joe Biden Has Nothing to Hide (Except His Past Record)

  1. Hey Joe you make it bad
    Take your sad life and make it better
    You can’t remember if you ever had a heart
    But you can depart so Hillezibub can make it better

    Hey Joe
    Don’t be afraid
    You were made to
    Go out and get “I am with her”
    You can’t remember your own next of kin
    So you can begin to make it better

    And anytime you miss McCain
    Hey Joe refrain
    Don’t sniff over her shoulders
    For well you are a well known fool
    Who plays it cool
    By making young girls a little colder

    N-no-no. No no
    No-no no Joe

    Hey Joe
    Don’t let me down
    You you have found her now step aside and let her
    (You get out, she gets in)

    You can’t remember where you are
    So you can depart and make it better

    So get out and let her in
    Hey Joe begin
    She waiting for a tranny to perform with

    And don’t you know that it’s a fool
    Yes a fool
    Who votes for either
    Of these bitches

  2. This settles this entire unsavory matter. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama has the best script writers in Delaware. Now, if they can just keep this mumbling, stumbling, bumbling, mentally incompetent political half-wit from saying anything that is not scripted, Dementia Joe is heading for the Full Catastrophe Convention with the wind coming out his backside. He will be hailed as living proof that practically anybody can run for President in the Dementiacrat Party, where Trump Derangement Syndrome has infected more people than the ChiComvirus. This proves that the political party that gave us Baracky Osmidgen and President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton will stop at nothing to give us another proven failure.

  3. He’s a “ramblin, stammering man!!!!

    “Ain’t good lookin’, but you know I ain’t shy
    Ain’t afraid to look you girl, hey, in the eye
    So if you need some lovin’, and you need it right away
    Take a little time out, and maybe I’ll stay”

  4. Another oldie:

    “Hey Joe,
    a-where you goin’ with yer dick in your hand?
    Hey Joe,
    I said where you goin’ with yer dick in your hand?

    oh yeah I’m going down to squidge some young girl.
    You know I caught her messin’ around with my other hand.
    yeah I’m going down to squidge some young girl.
    I caught her messin round wi’ my other hand.”
    (apologies to Hendrix)

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