Joe Biden Heckled with ‘Drop Out Joe’ in New York – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Heckled with ‘Drop Out Joe’ in New York


A group of individuals from New York Communities for Change heckled Vice President Joe Biden as he exited a Wall Street fundraiser in New York City. The group describes themselves as anti-fascist and whose main goal is fighting “economic power at its core.” The group loudly chanted ‘Drop out Joe’ to the Vice President and he rushed to his waiting car. You can watch the incident above ☝️

14 Comments on Joe Biden Heckled with ‘Drop Out Joe’ in New York

  1. Joe! I’ve got it, man!

    Look, Joe, you’ve got to announce your willingness to have Hillary as your V.P. Take the wind out of Bloomberg’s sails right now, Joe. He’s leading in Florida! You can’t let that stand, Joe!

    Hillary, Joe. Hillary! Biden/Hillary-2020. Think of it, Joe.

    Fight, Joe, fight!


    (Joe’s taking a nap.)

  2. It will be used as a talking point in the next dem debate: “I have more people heckling me than you do,” after all of them try to out-convince each other that success is evil if monetary compensation from the private sector is the reward.

  3. You’re a smellocrat

    And NYC hates you ?

    Forget it Joe

    The best you can hope for is
    the people will forget you.

    The opposite is that you will not be
    fondly remembered.

    It’s best to be forgotten, Joe.

  4. Jimmy@

    A double barrel.
    “Just fire the shotgun through the door.”

    Just like blade runner from South Africa did Eh, Joe.

    Blindly, with willful disregard, no known target, “just fire it through the door.”


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