Joe Biden Holds Parking Lot Rally for Ossoff and Warnock at Empty Warehouse – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Holds Parking Lot Rally for Ossoff and Warnock at Empty Warehouse

Gateway Pundit:

Joe Biden, the most popular and charismatic Democrat in world history, is holding a parking lot rally for Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock in Atlanta on Tuesday afternoon.

Here is Pratt Pullman Yards in Atlanta where the rally is being held today.

It looks like a condemned building.

18 Comments on Joe Biden Holds Parking Lot Rally for Ossoff and Warnock at Empty Warehouse

  1. The last Trump rally I attended the line to get in was estimated at 2.5 miles.
    Attendance was over 35,000.

    Joe’s lucky if he gets 25 and that’s with CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and the people from Facebook and Twitter.

  2. The picture lies. It does not show the millions of people across the country who viewed online desperate to hear Honest Joe (“The People’s Choice”) Biden’s comforting, healing words.


  3. Yep, wow, even after ‘victory’ Biden voters are just shy and have uh… to social distance for up to 4,000 miles.

    Totally not fraudulent. Joey definitely got 80 million votes. Yeeep yeeeep yep.


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