Joe Biden: ‘I’m Against Any Democrat Who Wants to Get Rid of Obamacare’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden: ‘I’m Against Any Democrat Who Wants to Get Rid of Obamacare’

Breitbart: Former Vice President Joe Biden escalated his opposition to Medicare for All and its proponents on Saturday, saying he was “against” any Democrat looking to scrap Obamacare.

Biden, who has bucked a majority of the Democrat field by refusing to support the universal healthcare proposal, made the statement while addressing a presidential forum organized by the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees in Las Vegas, Nevada.

“I’m against any Democrat who wants to get rid of Obamacare,” the 76-year-old frontrunner told the union audience, before claiming the American people were unaware of exactly everything in the 2,300 page law.

Biden’s comments were made after the union’s president kicked off the forum by saying his organization, which at 1.4 million members is the nation’s largest public employees union, supported a single-payer healthcare system. Following the introduction, a number of other 2020 Democrats at the forum, including Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (D-VT), echoed the sentiment in their remarks. more

12 Comments on Joe Biden: ‘I’m Against Any Democrat Who Wants to Get Rid of Obamacare’

  1. It may have slipped your mind, old boy. the people are the bosses, third rate scum bags work for them, they don’t work for you, or any other Jack Ass or Halfalump!

  2. Stuck on the grope Joe B

    He’s not very grandfatherly

    Around My training Bra His hands did roam
    (hands they did roam)
    sniffing all night

    I tried to take flight

    Well I feel so groped up

    I want to go home

    So hoist up the Joe B’s rope
    See how he hopes to be the first(openly retarded President)
    Call for the owebama endorsement
    Let him go GITMO, let him go GITMO
    I want him in GITMO, yeah yeah
    Well I feel so groped up
    I want him in GITMO

  3. It’s Un-Constitutional. The fact that, “…the American people were unaware of exactly everything in the 2,300 page law…” makes it blatant.

    They pandered to the fools and passed a Leviathan through a key hole.


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