Joe Biden is coming for your job – IOTW Report

Joe Biden is coming for your job

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

So much for the old lefty propaganda slogan: ‘Putting People First.’

Joe Biden is coming for your job. Your livelihood. Give it up, or he’ll give it up for you, because he’s got bigger priorities than your mere putting food on the table. You can give up that job for an ‘opportunity’ of his choosing.

He said as much at last night’s Democratic debate.

Debate moderator Tim Alberta of Politico asked the Democratic frontrunner this:

“Three consecutive American presidents have enjoyed stints of economic growth, due to a boom in oil and natural gas production, as President would you be willing to sacrifice some of that growth, even knowing potentially that it could displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers, in the interest of transitioning into that greener economy?” 

Biden’s reply? (Emphasis mine)

“The answer’s yes. The answer’s yes (hands up), because the opportunity for those workers to transition to high-paying jobs, Tom [Steyer] said, is real. We’re the only country in the world that’s taken great, great crises and turned them into enormous opportunities. I’ve met with the union leaders, for example, we should be making sure right now that every new building built is energy contained, that it doesn’t leak energy, that in fact, we should be providing tax credits for people to be able to make their homes turn to solar power. They’re all kinds of folks — right here in California, we’re now on the verge of having batteries that are about the size of the top of this podium that you can store energy when in fact the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining. We have enormous opportunities. For example, you talk about, would we relocate people who in fact were in a position where they lost their homes. We have to not rebuild to the standard that existed before, when we talked about (mumbles), we have to rebuild to the standard that exists today. For example, we shouldn’t build another new highway in America that doesn’t have charging stations on it. We have an opportunity to put 550,000 charging stations so that we own the electrical vehicle market, creating millions of jobs for people installing them, as well making sure that we own the electric vehicle market. There’s so many things we can do and we have to make sure we explain it to those people who are displaced that their skills are going to be needed for the new opportunities.”

Seems it’s not enough for the such leftists to come for your toilet paper, your salt shaker, your meat, your SUV, or your air conditioner, Biden wants your job, too. Your livelihood. 

9 Comments on Joe Biden is coming for your job

  1. & exactly ‘who’ is going to pay for the installation & the continued flow of the electricity to those stations & pay for the maintenance of those charging stations? … you guessed it, the American taxpayer

    …. problem is, w/out a job taxpayers can’t pay the bills … so let’s go after the guy w/ the biggest house in Delaware … his last name rhymes w/ ‘Biden’

  2. What a pile of gobbledygook…… For the love of pete, are there people who actually support this kumquat?
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  3. “We OWN!”

    You fucking maggots don’t own anything. Fuck you. Fuck your EPA. Fuck your 10 round magazines. Fuck your BDS. Fuck FDR. Choke on a carburettor and some diesel smoke. This world was made on steam, coal, petrol, and diesel (yeah, I know most of that is the same shit). And atomic shit that you clowns cowered over. Pukes. 10 foot dandelions. Idiots.

  4. The democrat debates are more like a Santa Claus contest.
    Who can give the most away to the low life pukes that think they’re entitled to someone else’s property. Their ever growing voter base.

  5. “the opportunity for those workers to transition to high-paying jobs”

    once the job market has withered up and died, then only those with the right connections will have them

    the rest of us, while not working, will live on the scraps thrown to us by the one worlder’s

    it will rely on your social score, as judged by the commies in office


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