“Joe Biden Is Slipping” – IOTW Report

“Joe Biden Is Slipping”

And, how!

23 Comments on “Joe Biden Is Slipping”

  1. I have to admit that I sort of admire the sheer audacity of the Dementiacrats. Imagine what the MSDM and the late night comics would do to any Republican running for any office with such a scrambled, diminished brain. They are betting that Dementia Joe can keep it together long enough to get over the finish line before he is exposed as a blithering idiot. Trump Derangement Syndrome is more virulent than the ChiComvirus, isn’t it? They would be better off drafting Morgan Freeman to pretend to be a Presidential Nominee at this point.

  2. …it won’t be Biden running, but it doesn’t matter anyway.

    They don’t need the Presidency, they only need the Senate.

    Then, they can impeach till they GET to THEIR pick ANYWAY…

  3. ^^^ he’s already been impeached … & aquitted ^^^

    … & it takes a 2/3’s majority to remove … then the VP is prez … won’t happen

    (not that those assholes won’t keep trying … it’s all they’ve got … pathetic, really)


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