Joe Biden is too stupid to win the nomination PART 1 – IOTW Report

Joe Biden is too stupid to win the nomination PART 1


The purported frontrunner of the Democrats’ presidential field is certain to self-destruct before the Democratic National Convention votes on a nominee more than a year from now, because he loves to talk and is too stupid to avoid making fatal mistakes.  Exactly a month ago, I predicted he would not get the party’s nod, and I stand by that.  But secretly, I hope I am wrong, because he would fall apart when faced with Donald Trump.

The latest example of Biden’s stupidity: downplaying China’s threat to us on the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre.  No, I am not kidding!  Only 30 seconds of your life are required to savor the stupidity.  Biden ends with “What are we worried about?”  That’s uncomfortably close to “What, me worry?”

This statement is all the worse, given his son Hunter’s financial involvement with China, a can of worms Biden would be well advised to leave unopened.  But the problem is that he has a microphone in his hand and an inability to filter what comes out of his mouth with anything approaching good judgment.

Joe Biden is too stupid to win the nomination (#2)

Since plagiarism killed an earlier Biden run at the presidency and dogged him in law school, the first rule of a rational Biden campaign this time would be: nothing that even vaguely looks like plagiarism.  But evidently, the subject never came up when Joe Biden assembled his presidential campaign staff.  But it looks as though the Biden campaign panicked when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that his lack of a radical plan to restructure our thriving economy so as to emit less CO2 was a “dealbreaker.”  MORE


11 Comments on Joe Biden is too stupid to win the nomination PART 1

  1. Hey Joe, when you don’t know about the subject, just plagiarize someone else’s study and don’t credit them, that way people will think you are a “smaat” guy.

    If you get caught plagiarizing (stealing) other’s work, just plead “it was an oversight”. You know the drill, you’ve done this many times.

  2. Joe provides side aching laughter everyday with one idiotic slip up after another. That makes up about half of his personality. The other side of him is a disgusting lecherous creep who exposes himself, plagiarizes others words and uses his position to illegally enrich himself and his equally slimy offspring.

  3. If Biden doesn’t win the nomination, I wonder who the winner will be?

    The Left is going to be out for blood this time, real blood as well as figurative blood, so who wins the nomination is important whether they’re electable or not.

  4. ..actually, he’s PERFECT, for what THEY want to do, and indeed did with “Obama” during the Valerie Jarrett Presidency…

    “The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.”
    -Douglas Adams, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

    …the President, at least during Democrat administrations, means nothing. He’s just the magician’s hand, you must look ELSEWHERE for the puppet masters…

  5. The media view themselves as Biden’s Secret Service. He’s in their cocoon and no one can watch him swim naked but them.

    The Full Hillary. Limit public appearances. Ban outlets not covered by the Media Omerta. Kill negative stories from seeing the light of day. Dismiss primary opponents.

    And after they’ve disgraced themselves yet again, they’ll complain that Journalism can only be saved by public funding.

  6. Uhh … we’re discussing the Demonrat nomination.
    The (supposed) Demonrats are allowing a confirmed (self-avowed) socialist to compete in their nomination process.

    Dumb-ness is the order of the day.

    Blind, deaf, and dumb to ordinary Americans – that is.

    The Demonrats are sucking up to the caterwauling parasites because they have encouraged the caterwauling parasites to caterwaul and to radically and noisily vocalize every imbecility the totalitarians spout. The screaming morons will continue to scream and drown out any (as if there were) voices of reason and probity the totalitarians may trot out (which is how they’ll attempt to advertise poor old Slow Joe).
    Joey will *seem* a reasonable alternative to the field of Klowns, Perverts, and Foaming-at-the-Mouth hard-core Stalinist-Hitlerites.

    Sort of a Clinton-esque “triangulation” in the primaries.

    The Press will continue to demand the appeasement of the raving lunatics while portraying Groping-Joe as a less-threatening alternative.

    Yeah, he may be dumb and feel up little girls (though he never rapes and/or kills them), but he’s not “radical!”
    That’s their message.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @SNS: “..actually, he’s PERFECT, for what THEY want to do, and indeed did with “Obama” during the Valerie Jarrett Presidency…”

    valerie jarrett is an iranian anchor baby

  8. Amazing that the WaPoo even covered this story, but notice they let him get away with blaming his staff. And how do you “inadvertently” plagerize page after page of policy?

  9. Tony R JUNE 6, 2019 AT 11:38 AM

    “…And how do you “inadvertently” plagerize page after page of policy?”

    …the same way you “accidentally” have someone make you a server that conveniently avoids Congressional oversight, mistakenly wipe 30,000 E-mails off of it AFTER they are subpoenaed with a cloth or something, and are SO clumsy that you break all you AND your aides’ Blackberries in such a way that the SIMM cards fall out and disappear, I suppose…

    …after all, it wasn’t like there was INTENT or anything…


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