Joe Biden Just Got Sued By Arizona Attorney General – He’s Trying To Stop Joe’s “Unconscionable” Order On Deportation – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Just Got Sued By Arizona Attorney General – He’s Trying To Stop Joe’s “Unconscionable” Order On Deportation


President Joe Biden signed a lot of executive orders in his first weeks in office; more than any other President in history, in fact. But some of them have become extremely controversial.

Republicans and Conservatives have already pushed back against some of the more questionable edicts. This includes a few pretty serious lawsuits leveled against the Biden administration.

And another just came in from Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

It didn’t take long for Biden to flex his newfound executive muscle: just hours after stepping into the Oval Office, POTUS signed an order that halts all deportations.

It will take effect immediately, and it means the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can’t deport anyone for more than three months.

The current administration is already facing a surge of individuals crossing the border from Mexico, as thousands sought to take advantage of a more lenient President.

But Brnovich isn’t standing for it.

8 Comments on Joe Biden Just Got Sued By Arizona Attorney General – He’s Trying To Stop Joe’s “Unconscionable” Order On Deportation

  1. With over 40 executive orders signed in less than two weeks, the argument that the federal government no longer has the consent of the governed has never been stronger.

    Every state that did not cast electoral votes for Biden should file their motions to bring secession to a vote. What’s the point of having a “union” if your elected representatives aren’t allowed to vote four dozen issues that directly harm them?

    How’s that for an asterisk on your record?

    It’s already The Nation approved!

    But their POV is that it’s those Blue States the support the Confederate Red States. Uh-huh. As if red states do not have blue metropolitan areas that suck up the welfare.

  2. If this EO is allowed to stand, there is a somewhat simple solution for states, counties, cities etc. that have people that have deportation orders.

    Follow the guidance of the hospital that formally employed Mike “Big Dick” Obama. Take them to “sanctuary cities” and just drop them off. Help these fuckers reap what they have sown.

    You will be rid of them and the libs can pay for it.

  3. …media and judiciary swing back to “Immigration is a Federal prerogative and the States can’t interfere” because there’s a Dem illegally in the White House again in 3…2…1…

  4. Unlike every one of djt’s eo that were struck down minutes after signing these will all be left unchecked just like Barack even at the scouts level. The only way this even minimized is at state level


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