Joe Biden Leaves Millions of Borrowers in Lurch, Abruptly Withdraws His Student Loan Forgiveness Plans – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Leaves Millions of Borrowers in Lurch, Abruptly Withdraws His Student Loan Forgiveness Plans

GP Joe Biden abruptly withdrew two of his major student loan forgiveness plans on Monday.

Biden used the student loan forgiveness plans to buy votes and now that he lost the 2024 election, he has abandoned his plan and left millions of borrowers in lurch.

Joe Biden unilaterally announced a massive forgiveness of student loans last August to buy the Gen Z-Millennial vote in the 2022 midterms.

16 Comments on Joe Biden Leaves Millions of Borrowers in Lurch, Abruptly Withdraws His Student Loan Forgiveness Plans

  1. Captain Choas’s revenge…..
    the demonrats pissed the ole…..
    sundowner off…..and it’s revenge…..
    time in America…..

    Burn the demonrat party to the ground…..!!!!!

  2. On the lurch? How? Because they thought the rest if us who have paid off our loans were going to get stuck with theirs too? My son put himself through veterinary medical school and has worked his butt off in the four years since graduating. Almost has his over $120000 student loan paid off, without any handouts. I couldn’t be more proud of his hardwork and determination.

  3. Keep in mind that none of these actually happened, SCOTUS keeps denying them as they are unconstitutional. So maybe Biden took hope away from these groups, but it was false hope that he had given them in the first place.

  4. He doesn’t have the authority and he knew it all along.
    The Supreme Court already ruled on it.
    He was using that as a ploy to gain votes.
    Trump can cancel everything Joe has forgiven and will be the bad guy in many eyes.
    Whoever is guiding Joe knew this the whole time.

  5. No one dares talk about the massive elephant in the room: universities that have more administrators than teachers. Who got rich off student loans? Go look at your local big college campus. What do you see? In the past twenty years most of them have rebuilt their entire campus and their deans have salaries that rival those of CEOs of F100 corporations. None of them can justify the cost of their basic degree programs.


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