Joe Biden likely to join 2016 White House race next month – IOTW Report

Joe Biden likely to join 2016 White House race next month

WaTimes: Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s team is putting out the word that he is leaning in favor of joining the presidential race next month, according to a prominent Democratic fundraiser.


The veep’s entrance would dramatically shake up the Democratic contest, confronting front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton with a formidable opponent who is equally well-known across the country and poised to tap a network of major donors.

“They have given increasingly strong signals that Biden is going to throw his hat in the ring,” said New York businessman Jon Cooper, a top bundler for President Obama’s 2012 campaign who has been testing the waters with fellow bundlers for a Biden run.


26 Comments on Joe Biden likely to join 2016 White House race next month

  1. This is a Big Fuckin Deal!

    I’ll be able to run in Air Force 1, eat all the ice cream I want, soil my pants whenever I want, and bathe in front of the SS girls!

  2. Not surprising.
    Hillary’s getting her ass kicked and Sanders’ star is rising.
    They need to get somebody else in there and fast.
    Joe, in spite of his “deficiencies”, is probably considered a “safe” candidate to the party base.

  3. Hey, the more the merrier, right? The left is chortling that the GOP has a zillion candidates, we might think about giving it right back to them.

    I’m happy to see all the lefties joining the fight. Keep them all out of our business and worried about their own crew infighting. Good for us. Let ’em have at it. The more they kill each other, the less we have to do.

  4. Tammy Bruce was saying earlier this week that Beau Biden made Joe promise to run before Beau died of cancer.

    Hillary’s implosion is giving Joe a chance to keep his promise

  5. Hillary has too much baggage

    Sanders is far to anti-wall street so the dems can’t have that

    0malley hasn’t been in the news lately, has he?

    So that leaves ….. Biden!


  6. Great, the first openly retarded VP wants to become the first openly retarded president. At least his goal is not to permanently destroy amerik like our current president mr. oblowme.

  7. Delusions of competence. No, delusions that he won’t soil himself if not reminded to use the potty.

    This idiot makes other idiots appear to have high IQs.

    Joe Biden is evidence that Democrats are irresponsible because they elected the POTUS knowing he had this side kick waiting in the wings just one heartbeat away from the nuclear launch codes.

    It’s like having one of the three stooges on deck if you strike out.

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