Joe Biden Makes a Beeline to the Kiddies and Almost Trips  – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Makes a Beeline to the Kiddies and Almost Trips 

As the campaign event was wrapping up and before the music stopped playing, Old Joe made a b-line to the kiddies standing off to the side of the stage.

18 Comments on Joe Biden Makes a Beeline to the Kiddies and Almost Trips 

  1. The boss and I were just talking about how hard the important people are trying to normalize pedophilia. They’re fooling themselves and asking to die. No matter what legislation they manage to pass, if you molest one of my Grande Kids I will kill you.

  2. I hope his master satan welcomes him home by disguising two small demons as little girls and showing them to him on the other side of the Lake of Fire for the first of his homecoming jokes, that Pedo may stumble lustully towards them only to be consumed from crotch to crown by the burning of his own concupiscence.

  3. SNS
    Just read the thread about your mom. She was a JFK Democrat. He couldn’t get elected today because he would be to conservative. People this age never got the memo. And their trust in liberal media certainly did not help their prospective health outlooks. I’ve been through the loss of my parents and my in laws. Time to focus on your immediately family. If you want to talk you know how brother.

  4. Willy, Fucking chemo. Been three years for me and it continues to be the gift that keeps on giving. Hang in there bro. We belong to a club no one wants to belong to. Akin to that Bush/DeSantis ticket. LOL

  5. In a sane world, his handlers would tell him to stay away from little kids, especially ones with long hair. But it is far from a sane world.

    He can’t wait to fondle and sniff a little kid. He is just a sick old man.

  6. Brad
    SATURDAY, 3 FEBRUARY 2024, 22:47 AT 10:47 PM

    Thank you Brad, that means a lot. You are probably right about JFK Democrats. And I appreciate you reaching out. I know I’m not the only one that ever had a loss, and it’s some comfort that you have empathy with me from your own experiences. Thank you again.

    God Bless,

  7. Get your stinkin’ paws off my kid, you damn dirty senile pervert.

    Waiting for somebody to say that – but then, what knucklehead goes to a Biden event and brings their kid?


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