Joe Biden Makes Creepy Plea For Collectivist Child Raising – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Makes Creepy Plea For Collectivist Child Raising

National File:
Joe Biden recently made a disturbing comment that sounded like a creepy plea for collectivist child raising, further highlighting the role that the United States government plays in violating parental rights and indoctrinating and seizing children.

“Rebekah put a teacher’s creed into words when she said, There’s no such thing as someone else’s child. No such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children,” Joe Biden stated, referring to a Teacher of the Year honoree named Rebekah. more

18 Comments on Joe Biden Makes Creepy Plea For Collectivist Child Raising

  1. This is just as inane as “it takes a village”. The moral imperative to indoctrinate becomes more urgent and legitimate when you claim ownership of your charges.

  2. Joey, I don’t have any kids.
    I don’t have ANY kids.
    I don’t have ANYBODY’S kids.

    And I sure as hell don’t any ties to your corrupt and degenerate boy Hunter.

  3. Right out of the Marxist playbook.

    It amazes me that anyone growing up in America, with our (former) freedoms and opportunities, could toe this communist BS.

    Makes me wonder is Sniffer Joe even graduated from Scranton HS.

  4. Yesterday the old bastard was talking about all his grand children (except Hunters kid) and I was hoping someone would shout out “Have ya showered with them yet!”

  5. @Anonymous AT 11:28 PM — If you’re going to go with the overused “Jeopardy” construction, at the very least you could do it correctly: Alex gave the REPLIES. Alex didn’t ask the QUESTIONS.

    That’s even dumber than thinking “need” has anything at all to do with why people acquire AR-15s and standard capacity mags.

  6. His goal and the goal of democrats is empowering public school communist pedophiles to groom children for genital mutilation and sex with adult democrats AT the expense of parents. Democrats have only two uses for children – political tools and/or sex.

  7. As if every public “service” taken over by government hasn’t turned into a monumental clusterfuck-now they want to take over corrupting your kids?
    I’d take some drastic action before that happened.

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