“Joe Biden May Be On C😳caine” – IOTW Report

“Joe Biden May Be On C😳caine”

Def Con News:

It would appear that cocaine, like corruption and sexual deviancy, is a Biden family tradition. Hunter’s Biden’s fondness of crack is well-known but Joe apparently loves the cocaine too. People noticed in a recent speech that the illegitimate president didn’t blink, which is a tell-tale sign of cocaine usage.

On Monday, Biden gave a remote speech where he said if you don’t support his assault weapons ban, you hate cops. We noted that the speech was heavily edited, indicating Joe was out of his mind, and that he was smacking and sucking on his dentures. What we missed however was that Biden wasn’t blinking:

17 Comments on “Joe Biden May Be On C😳caine”

  1. Makes sense. We know Hunter is untouchable; the SS stand passively while he indulges in numerous criminal activity (drugs, sex with hookers, etc.), so it is a safe assumption Pedo Joe is given at least the same deferential treatment.

  2. It might just be that the teleprompter didn’t say “blink” so he didn’t. His handlers were probably afraid that if they put the word blink in the script, he’d say it.

  3. He’s well past “cocaine”. This guy is well into the high end pharmaceutical stimulants. Who ever it is that’s running him, seems to be having trouble with the calculating his “speed-ball”. A sign we may be seeing a “state funeral” soon.

  4. America we are in deep s#&t 😳
    Lord return like yesterday 🕊️❤️

    Pray for our country 🙏 for we are being taken down with the evil Satan and the corruption which is Washington DC.

  5. Has anybody else noticed:

    The entire edited speech camera angle is closest to Biden’s right side of his face.


    Sum Ting Wong.

  6. Who cares? He isn’t the President – he’s a Pedophile Usurping Traitor.
    (or a Traitorous Usurping Pedophile?)

    I don’t care if he speedballs Fentanyl and Drano.
    I don’t care if he’s just a dummy like in that Star Trek episode.
    I don’t care if he’s already dead and propped up with a stick or a golf club shoved up his ass.

    Let me know when America has had enough Treason, Perversion, Corruption, Deceit, Foreign Influence, and Decay – then I’ll care.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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