Joe Biden: Migrants Coming for Economic Reasons Should ‘Get In Line’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden: Migrants Coming for Economic Reasons Should ‘Get In Line’


Vice President Joe Biden strayed from the Democrat talking points on immigration on Tuesday, telling economic refugees to “get in line”

“If they’re coming only for economic purposes, they got to get in line,” Biden said. “They got to get in line and they should get in line and we should have an immigration process.”

Biden commented on immigration during a campaign visit to Concord, New Hampshire on Tuesday.

But Biden overall appeared willing to allow more immigrants into the country.

Citing the Statue of Liberty, Biden said that anyone should be able to come to America to flee oppression.

Biden indicated that he would give a hearing to all of the waves of Central American migrants coming to the United States and claiming asylum.

“Folks that doesn’t mean we should open our borders, but it does say is those people who are fleeing oppression and seek asylum, should at least be given a hearing,” Biden said. “They should not be separated from their families.”


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13 Comments on Joe Biden: Migrants Coming for Economic Reasons Should ‘Get In Line’

  1. Very adept at saying whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear, but disingenuous as Hell because he’ll say something else to another audience the next day… and probably won’t even remember!

  2. The way I see it, “coming only for economic purposes” is virtually all of them.

    Maybe Biden should explain the way he sees it so we can tell if we’re talking about the same thing or not.

  3. But Joe, what about migrants fleeing economic oppression? You know, the parts of the world that are failing because of leftist socialist policies. Of course Joe wants them to come in, it helps to have more rats run the ship. Socialist oppression knows no borders, that’s exactly why Joe’s party wants open borders, let that bucket of failure spread the world over. Because it concentrates wealth, and Joe and his ilk are prime beneficiaries.

  4. Why do morons quote that stupid poem defacing the Statue of Liberty as though it were some kind of legal mandate and not a bit of purple prose written by a communist subversive?

  5. You’re right Joe, there can’t be more than a small handful coming here for economic reasons, the throngs numbering in the tens of thousands are fleeing life threatening political abuse and must be allowed to enter.


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