Joe Biden: No More Mr. Nice Guy – IOTW Report

Joe Biden: No More Mr. Nice Guy

Ahead of next week’s second round of presidential debates, former vice president and current Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden says he’ll be less “polite” towards his rivals.

ASIDE: Yes, I will drunkblog both nights. As an aside within an aside, we should probably call these things “nomination debates,” since there’s nothing at all presidential about them.

At an exclusive fundraiser at the just-as-exclusive Detroit Golf Club, Biden said, “I’m not going to be as polite this time.” Referring to the spanking he got on race from Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) in the previous debate, Biden explained that he’ll get meaner at next week’s debate “because this is the same person who asked me to come to California and nominate her in her convention.”

What, one nice speech and Harris is supposed to roll over for him on the way to the Democratic nomination? Biden knows better than that, but the bitterness and the sense of entitlement he revealed isn’t pretty.

This is the same Joe Biden who once told a black audience that Mitt Romney — Mitt Romney! — would “put y’all back in chains.” If that’s Biden’s idea of polite, it’s going to take a bigger imagination than mine to figure out what he might say after the gloves are off. more

18 Comments on Joe Biden: No More Mr. Nice Guy

  1. “why, I’m gonna meet you, buddy boy, behind the gym after school & box your ears for making fun of my stuttering & … uh … that other stuff with little girls … yeah mister, i’m gonna punch you … you just wait!

    … you too, Mr. Harris”

    what an absolute putz

  2. At least Dan Quayle could spell potato, Biden would probably call it a spud. Biden’s an id ee it and everyone knows it. Stick to the short bus for retards Joe, the clown car with all the other democraps has already passed you by.

  3. Oh he’ll snarl and nip a little bit, but will hold off predicting that they will call him a misogynist or racist if he actually breaks skin.

    As a white liberal, it’s always better to lose and not be called a racist, than to plow ahead and risk it.

  4. It would have been fun, after Kamala went on her rant, rather than respond to her charge of Biden being a racist, for him to say, “Wow! Now that’s privilege! They just suspended the 30-second speaking rule for you and gave you 2 minutes because you played the race AND gender cards. Do you really think, if you were to be elected president, that other foreign leaders will give you the same deference because of your gender and skin tone? Will Putin take it easy on you? Or the Saudis? I don’t think so, and frankly, without all that special treatment, I don’t think you can handle it.” Boom.

  5. So now instead of groping and sniffing little girls, he’s gonna force himself on them??

    Someone needs to strap blinders on him and stuff him on the short bus for his ride home.


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