Joe Biden: ‘Not a Single Bit of Evidence’ Son Asked Me to Help Him in Ukraine – IOTW Report

Joe Biden: ‘Not a Single Bit of Evidence’ Son Asked Me to Help Him in Ukraine

Mm hm. Not a smidgeon.



Former Vice President Joe Biden denied Monday that his son Hunter Biden asked him for a favor in Ukraine while serving on the energy board of a Ukrainian energy company.

“We never once discussed it when he was there,” Biden told the Associated Press. “There’s not a single bit of evidence that’s been shown in any reporting that’s been done that he ever talked about it with me or asked any government official for a favor.”

When he was vice president, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees for Ukraine if officials did not fire the country’s top prosecutor, who was pursuing a corruption investigation of an energy company while his son Hunter was serving on the board.

The connection was revealed in author Peter Schweizer’s best-selling book Secret Empires, and the reporting was confirmed in the New York Times.

Hunter Biden was paid as much as $50,000 per month while serving on the board, as his father led the Obama administration’s policy with Ukraine.

Biden’s “not a single bit of evidence” defense echoes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s repeated assertion that there was no evidence of improper paybacks after she approved the Uranium One deal — despite receiving $145 million in pledges and donations for the Clinton Foundation.  more here

25 Comments on Joe Biden: ‘Not a Single Bit of Evidence’ Son Asked Me to Help Him in Ukraine

  1. There’s no evidence because you had the prosecutor fired and all the files bleach bitted.
    Please. Could we have just one corrupt scum bag go to jail before I die?

  2. “There is no evidence”. He thinks all the evidence has been destroyed, and all the witnesses are either dead or in fear of their lives. And of course the media accepts this as gospel truth without any investigation whatsoever.

  3. …The Trump Persecution Rule says that no evidence is NECESSARY. The accusation is in the air. Now, YOU have to prove you DIDN’T.

    …You MADE this rule, now LIVE by it.


    …We’re WAITING…

    …but not for LONG…

  4. “There’s not a single bit of evidence that’s been shown in any reporting that’s been done that he ever talked about it with me or asked any government official for a favor.”

    “… that’s been shown in any reporting …?” Why did he insert that?

    Of course there’d be no “reporting:” since the media are the facilitators, enablers, deep cover, and propaganda outlets of the nihilist/socialist movement.
    And Joey is one they’ve been protecting for two generations.

    Awfully (offal-ly?) qualified denial.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Of course there’e no evidence that he was asked; no request was needed. Joe knew what was going on and moved to keep his boy out of trouble and in the money.

  6. When they start closing in on this lump of shit watch a sudden serious illness strike him and require that he be spirited off to a long term medical facility where he’ll be unable to make courtroom appearances.

  7. You think the people paying the bribe were thrilled when Hillary lost and Creepy Joe’s influence was diminished?

    It’s about the appearance of impropriety and the seriousness of the question demanding an investigation.

  8. It’s a pure co-inky-dink! He didn’t even go with me! Him and… that other guys.. are always there. Every weekend. Saturday night… where’s Hunter? Same as always. Ukraine. For hookers and blow.

  9. @A.Moose May 14, 2019 at 12:00 pm

    > Please. Could we have just one corrupt scum bag go to jail before I die?

    No. But could I interest you in a lovely country camp?

  10. The new Ukrainian AG has reopened the investigation into why his predecessor was canned so soon after Biden complained about him and his handling of an investigation into corruption at this “deal” Hunter was up to his armpits in. I hope the US AG already has an investigator on the job. It would be fun to watch the winner of the Dem Presidential Primary being led off the stage in cuffs after delivering his acceptance speech.

  11. Yet Biden senior – Daddy Dearest – came to Hunter’s rescue with another sweet heart deal with foreign nationals. Have either Biden registered as a foreign agent of the ChiComs and the Ukrainians? I bet not. That is a violation of the law!

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