Joe Biden on his fabricated story: ‘The Details Are Irrelevant’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden on his fabricated story: ‘The Details Are Irrelevant’


Former Vice President Joe Biden dismissed the criticism he’s encumbered in recent days for fabricating an emotional story about the Afghanistan War, claiming “details are irrelevant.”

Biden, who has continually attacked President Donald Trump as a liar on the campaign trail, made the remarks during an interview with NPR that was first released Tuesday. In particular, Biden was asked if “details,” not “just intentions,” mattered within the confines of the presidency. The question was in relation to an expose from the Washington Post indicating Biden invented a heart-wrenching story about pinning a medal on a reluctant Navy officer.

The former vice president started his response by attacking the media, who “loves” to misrepresent his public appearances, before attempting to steer the conversation towards the “judgement” needed to send “troops to war” or “decide on a healthcare policy.”

The reporter conducting the interview, however, quickly pushed back on the deflection, saying voters were not concerned about judgement, but rather his fuzziness on “details.”

“The details are irrelevant in terms of decision-making,” Biden responded, before trying to further downplay the controversy.

“It’s like saying I had this very bright reporter and I think her eyes were blue,” he said. “What difference would it make about whether you were a bright reporter. Your eyes are brown. It’s irrelevant and you know it.”

The controversy derives from a story Biden told to more than 400 New Hampshire voters last month about how he was asked during his tenure as vice president to travel to Afghanistan to honor a Navy captain who risked his life saving a downed comrade.

According to Biden’s recollection, the captain “rappelled down a 60-foot ravine under fire and retrieved the body of an American comrade, carrying him on his back.” When his superiors sought to honor him with a “Silver Star,” the captain refused, as his comrade had died during the mission.

When Biden first told the story everyone in the audience was left “silent” by the raw emotion the former vice president exhibited. Unfortunately for Biden, however, the Post found “almost every detail in the story” to be “incorrect” upon closer investigation. According to the report: MORE

34 Comments on Joe Biden on his fabricated story: ‘The Details Are Irrelevant’

  1. I watched the video of him telling that story and, frankly, I don’t understand how anybody was moved by it. It was obvious that he was full of shit. I have listened to enough blow hard drunks tell tall tales in my lifetime to recognize drunken braggadocio when I see it. How are people taken in by this congenital liar, who, despite years of practice, is still a terrible liar.

  2. “It’s like saying I had this very bright reporter and I think her eyes were blue,” he said. “What difference would it make about whether you were a bright reporter. Your eye are brown. It’s irrelevant and you know it. Because I’m not interested in facts, just always caught up thinking about how to make your brown eye blue.”

  3. Joe, the fact you think the details don’t matter, DOES MATTER. It means that no one can believe anything you say.

    Does that matter to you, Joe? That people don’t believe you?


    Joe’s gone.

  4. “Fictionalism” = not a lie but if should and could be true if it supports an idea or a philosophy about life or the nature of things as one believes it as real.

    Fictionalism. Fictionalism is the view in philosophy according to which statements that appear to be descriptions of the world should not be construed as such, but should instead be understood as cases of “make believe”, of pretending to treat something as literally true (a “useful fiction”).

    Wiki: Fictionalism is the view in philosophy according to which statements that appear to be descriptions of the world should not be construed as such, but should instead be understood as cases of “make believe”, of pretending to treat something as literally true (a “useful fiction”).

    The left bin doing it fer years but psychologists won’t admit it.

  5. to quote the candidate the Rove/Bush clique told us to vote for 10/16, “At this time “what diff does it mke?”!”!

    Liberals have not cared about the truth, nor facts for at least 80 years! Forget not that the radical Biden teamed up with 7 bush “Republicans” led by “Snarlin Arlen” to defeat Judge Bork.

    it is as dishonest to call Joe “moderate” as it is to call the Rove/Bush gang “conservative”!

    As Angus MacFergus said 1,600 years ago, ” dont learn history, will repeat it!”!

  6. Joe Biden: “The details are irrelevant.”

    Christine Blasey Ford: “I agree!”

    Jussie Smollet: “Me, too!”

    CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT [in unison]: “SO DO WE!”

    Hillary Clinton [wipes Epstein’s blood from hands]: “At this point, what difference do the details make?”

  7. So, someone who uses a name like Vietvet looks down upon people who do not put a fake name on their comments. How does listing a fake name make you superior to those of us who do not care to register and make up a fake name to associate with our comments?

  8. “If I say a thing that I know is not perfect truth, it is a flat perjury.”

    There is no gray scale.
    Fact: non-fact.
    Truth: Lie.

    There are, of course, facts that are provisional.

    Can a straw penetrate an oak?
    Yes: in a tornado.
    No: under ordinary weather conditions.

    Joey (and most politicians of my experience, particularly of the socialist/totalitarian persuasion) practices to deceive. And he then attempts to obscure his obscurantism by obscuring the lies he tells with misdirecting solipsisms and sophomoronicisms.

    Fools ingest such gelatinous, oleaginous tripe with relish.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @Anonymous #? 7:19 – Vietvet didn’t suggest he looks down on such as you, just that he doesn’t upvote or respond. I rarely do, too, because there are more than one Anonymous posters and it usually isn’t possible to tell you apart.

    You choose to post anonymously. That’s your privilege.
    I choose to pay little attention to anonymous posts. That’s my privilege.

    Got it?

  10. @Uncle Al (at 9:12 am): Thank you for explaining the obvious to “anonymous”. Unfortunately, others have tried doing that for him in the past, but she never seems to get it.

    Maybe someday…


  11. @riverlife_callie: thanks. And just to clarify, I am anonymous who posted at 1:00, not anonymous who has a problem with vietvet. Though, the fact that this needs clarification is a strong point in favor of not posting anonymously.

  12. Biden: “Details are Irrelevant.” This is Dan Rather’s legacy of “Fake But Accurate” stories.
    Rather was fired for that comment… isn’t it time to fire Biden as well?

    Or just keep him around for his comedic value, since real comedy is dead?

  13. Signing as ‘Anonymous’ is like ‘drive-by commenting.’

    Really, your ‘handle’ helps promote referencing important points in a discussion. How would you like having ten ‘Jimmy’s’ commenting here, all contradicting each other? (Heaven forbid!)

    “I disagree with Jimmy!” -Jimmy
    “But I agree with Jimmy!” -Jimmy
    “Yeah, but which Jimmy? They all sound alike to me.” -Anonymous (not Jimmy)
    “That other Jimmy.” -Jimmy
    “What Jimmy said.” -Jimmy
    “Jimmy, you’re an idiot!” -Jimmy
    “Hey, I’m Jimmy and I resemble that remark.” -Jimmy
    “You must mean ‘resent,’ Jimmy.” -Jimmy
    “All Jimmy’s are idiots!” -Anonymous (No Jimmy would say that!)
    “No, just some Jimmy’s are.” -Jimmy
    “Who you talkin’ to?” -Jimmy
    “Wutchu talkin bout, Jimmy?”

    Invent a unique handle so people can address you and your comment, properly! (I should probably change mine since it’s too generic.)


  14. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet.”

    And whether we call something feces or shit won’t change its aroma, either.

    izlamo delenda est …


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