Joe Biden Rambles Incoherently, Tells BET Host He “Got Arrested For Being on the Porch with a Black Family” – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Rambles Incoherently, Tells BET Host He “Got Arrested For Being on the Porch with a Black Family”

GP: Joe Biden sat down for an interview with Black Entertainment Television (BET) host Ed Gordon to pander to black voters.

Joe “you ain’t black” Biden is struggling with black voters as the 2024 election cycle goes into full swing.

Meanwhile, President Trump is making inroads with blacks.

Biden’s interview with BET was a pathetic attempt to appeal to black voters. Biden rambled incoherently as he lied about his involvement in the civil rights movement.

This is one of Biden’s favorite lies (he has many).

“I got involved in the civil rights movement [unintelligible].”

At this point, Biden mumbled through a long-winded story about his dead parents, Barack Obama and a train ride to Delaware.

All of a sudden Biden pivoted to a tall tale about is mom recalling a story about his childhood. more

20 Comments on Joe Biden Rambles Incoherently, Tells BET Host He “Got Arrested For Being on the Porch with a Black Family”

  1. “I spent more time in black churches than you guys, not a joke”

    “I marched in Selma”

    “I got arrested in South Africa trying to free Nelson Mandela”

    “They gonna put ya’ll back in chains”

    “If you don’t vote for me you aint black”

    “I was born a poor black child…”

    Question for black folk:
    You had enough of this lying motherfucking race-baiting clown?

  2. In the end, which is near for this asshole, the only one who loves Joe Biden is Joe Biden.

    No sympathy for this perverted fraud who was thrust upon America with full leftist fury and hate.

  3. I was arrested one time for being on the porch with a black family…

    But we were all smoking crack with Hunter and a bunch of whores and illegal firearms.

  4. LocoBlancoSaltine, liberal black Americans are deaf to Biden insults. They believe the Democrat narrative and lies. They’re in a deep trance and won’t walk away from the plantation and traditions they’ve depended on for 70 years.

    They voluntarily march into Democrat death trap institutions, policies and lifestyles without hesitation. Scary and amazing to watch.

    Most are motivated by fear, they’ve known nothing else. Indoctrinated and ignorant, unwilling to know the truth. So liberal black Americans continue to be abused by the Democrat party. So much like the battered wife syndrome. Most will never wake up.

    Yet, those who do wake up are profoundly changed for the better. Shocked they could have been free long ago, if they only turned away from the heinous Democrat party.

  5. Time for the real story: The black family got up in the morning and saw a crazy white man yelling crazy stuff on their porch, like how black people should be allowed to make a new US State on Mars with US Government support. They called the police and asked them to come over and take the insane person off their property. The police came and took the crazy man away, then arrested and booked him for being a public nuisance. The deranged man? Joseph Robinette Biden, of Scranton, PA. At the trial, he pleaded guilty to public vagrancy and got off with a $50 fine and a $500 donation to the United Black College Fund.

  6. LocoBlancoSaltine, black liberal tools of the left turn on ANYONE trying to set them free. They have blind rage, like vicious, mad dogs. It’s disgusting. You can’t reason with that kind of ignorance and violent mindset.

  7. Don’t worry, LocoBlancoSaltine she will…as she watches a vibrant, battle-ready, brilliant. healthy, very much alive, victorious President Trump walk into the White House January 2025. LOL!


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