Joe Biden Rejects Urgent Phone Call from Israeli PM over Iran: ‘On Vacation’ – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Rejects Urgent Phone Call from Israeli PM over Iran: ‘On Vacation’


Israel Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s request to hold an emergency telephone conversation with U.S. President Joe Biden to discuss the nascent nuclear deal with Iran has been rebuffed with the excuse that the American president “is on vacation,” Israeli media reported on Wednesday.

According to Israel’s Channel 13, Lapid sought to speak with Biden in an attempt to prevent a return to the 2015 JCPOA nuclear pact but U.S. officials denied the request, informing Lapid Biden “is on vacation.”
The two will eventually hold the call, the report said. more

15 Comments on Joe Biden Rejects Urgent Phone Call from Israeli PM over Iran: ‘On Vacation’

  1. The president is NEVER on vacation! The nature of the job is that if there’s a problem, you handle it, regardless of when it occurs or where you are.
    That was known from the start; if you don’t like it, don’t take the job.

  2. They should not call during induced nap time, ice cream time, biking time, beach time, jolly taco time, traveling time, bath time or especially ‘where the hell am I time, or who the hell are you time, or weekends (like congress Thursday -Tuesday), happy hour, holidays celebrated around the world and/or any diverse group, anywhere.

  3. wasn’t “who is going to answer the phone at 3 AM” a big, hot topic campaign question for the democrats in a past campaign?
    I remember that
    I guess we know who won’t answer it

  4. Biden has been on vacations since his usurpation of true elections.

    His speech writer, teleprompter aid and Agency talking heads have been working overtime to cover for his incompetence.

    His new spokesperson, the black, gay, female immigrant has been shown as a stooge, but she’s checked the 4 boxes that are meaningful for the democrats.

  5. @ cato;

    “the black, gay, female immigrant has been shown as a stooge, but she’s checked the 4 boxes”.

    You forgot the hyphenated last name. That’s a must. I call her Karen Hyphenated.

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