Joe Biden Releases Statement After WNBA Player Given 9 Year Prison Sentence In Russian Penal Colony Where Torture Is Condoned – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Releases Statement After WNBA Player Given 9 Year Prison Sentence In Russian Penal Colony Where Torture Is Condoned


Following her Thursday conviction on drug charges in Russia, WNBA star Brittney Griner will not be getting special treatment in a fancy jail. Instead, she is being sent straight to a Russian penal colony.

She received a nine-year sentence, and unlike in the United States, Griner will not be guaranteed safety from cruel punishment.

“Corrective labor colonies” are the most common type of prison in Russia, Unherd reported. But that does not mean they are a walk in the park.

In fact, the outlet described these penal colonies as “a place where the authorities can act with impunity, free to torture prisoners in the hope of extracting a false confession.”

The White House released the following statement:

Today, American citizen Brittney Griner received a prison sentence that is one more reminder of what the world already knew: Russia is wrongfully detaining Brittney. It’s unacceptable, and I call on Russia to release her immediately so she can be with her wife, loved ones, friends, and teammates.  My administration will continue to work tirelessly and pursue every possible avenue to bring Brittney and Paul Whelan home safely as soon as possible.

33 Comments on Joe Biden Releases Statement After WNBA Player Given 9 Year Prison Sentence In Russian Penal Colony Where Torture Is Condoned

  1. She’ll get a real education this time around. I heard Russians weren’t very tolerant of gays. Why isn’t her LGBT friends coming to her rescue? I guess they’d be more of hindrance than help. Oh well…..

  2. I call on the American government to act in the best interests of the American people and not for big multinational corporations and foreign governments. This includes allowing oil drilling, farming etc… Once you do that then you can comment on an American hating carpet muncher.

  3. Taffyhead Joe being put to the test
    Suck their cx Joe
    Show how you can bring America-hating
    Brittney home
    Keep sucking Joe
    Make deals with the krauts to release
    a murderer
    Is that lopsided?
    Keep sucking Joe
    We know you can make a great deal

  4. As much as this ungrateful America hating bitch dislikes our country you’d think the commies would consider her one of their own and send her back to do her part to take America down from within.

  5. Stupid BIsh thought she was special now she know she’s not.

    HERE”s a THOUGHT- SEND BLM & ANTIFIA to Protest in Russia! I’d love to watch BLM & ANITFIA get crushed and end up dead, very dead.
    I’m waiting… where are are BLM ? ANTIFIA? Why so quiet?

  6. “a place where the authorities can act with impunity, free to torture prisoners in the hope of extracting a false confession.”

    …soo, just like a January 6th jail, then.

  7. And don’t forget she said to Joe Biden “I voted for you!” “Do something for me now!” Ha, ha, that’s what you get for voting for Joe Biden…he can’t even help his kid Humper right now.

  8. He doesn’t have boobs. I don’t hate to say it, but karma’s a bitch. This guy thinks he’s so hip & cool to trash America. Let’s see how he feels after 9 years…

  9. How’d that old anti-drug PSA spot go?

    “When you’re in over there, you’re in for life.”

    By the way, sympathetic press needs to get their story straight: was it THC or hashish oil?

    But does it really matter? Pot is legal in Washington state and British Columbia, Canada, yet the feds on either side will bust you trying to take pot across the border. Yeah, she “forgot”….yeah, previous trips to mother Russia….

  10. “a place where the authorities can act with impunity, free to torture prisoners in the hope of extracting a false confession.”


    “Navalny went on to clarify that, so far, he has “not seen any violence”, but can still “easily believe the numerous stories that, not long ago, people here were beaten to within an inch of their lives with wooden hammers”.

    Okay, sure.

    “Tim Ogden is the Assistant Editor at New Europe. He is based in Georgia.”

    I’m not sure that New Europe is an unbiased outfit with no agenda or connections to Globalist entities or people like Soros. It’s probably safe to assume that we being fed a line about this, like everything else having to do with Russia right now.

    And I don’t know if this is the same “New Europe” which currently employs young Mr. Ogden, but…

  11. Whoa, that “stern” *Joe letter will really scare those Ruskies. LOL! Wolf tickets won’t get the traitorous, commie freak operative back on US territory. She/he’s not going anywhere. The Russians don’t want to make any deals with a Demwit U.S. pResident-it’s insulting.

  12. At least he/she will be in contention for MVP of the Siberian Penal Basketball League, so he/she has got that going for her/him. Except they play all their games outdoors…..

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