Joe Biden Repeatedly Asked Federal Agencies To Do What His Son’s Lobbying Clients Wanted – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Repeatedly Asked Federal Agencies To Do What His Son’s Lobbying Clients Wanted

When do ‘coincidences’ become sheer corruption?

Federalist: OCTOBER 30, 2019 By Erielle Davidson

News of Hunter Biden profiting from his father’s political activity is becoming an endless saga that has yet to genuinely interest our media who claim “democracy dies in darkness.” The latest set of coincidences, uncovered by Alana Goodman of The Washington Examiner, reveal more unseemly connections between Hunter’s business adventures and his father’s political maneuvers. Whether it be China, Ukraine, or China again, we have heard this pattern before.

While serving as senator of Delaware, Joe Biden reached out discreetly to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to discuss matters his son Hunter Biden’s firm was then lobbying for, according to government records Goodman gathered. keep reading

12 Comments on Joe Biden Repeatedly Asked Federal Agencies To Do What His Son’s Lobbying Clients Wanted

  1. Gonna start calling Uncle Joe “pigpen” causes he’s so dirty (Sorry about that to Charles Schultz’ Tm)

    The man has a cloud of dust following him

  2. When the Bidens get arrested two cases of Arkancide will probably take place before they can wag their tongues. Daddy will be from a heart attack & the kid from a drug O.D.

  3. So?

    Nothing will come from it any more than Hillary will be held accountable for here “pay to play” thing with the Clinton foundation and here position as Secretary of State under Obama.

    It’s interesting to know, but nothing more than political trivia in the real world. Might be useful for some kind of trivia game someday maybe.

  4. I’m shocked!
    Shocked, I tells ya!

    More corrupt than a Persian Satrapy.
    The sad fact is that Dopey Old Joe is just a tad dumber than your run-of-the-mill Congressman(woman) and Senator. Obola was his (later) enabler. Obola turned nothing into $Millions – repeatedly – and the FBI, Media, spook agencies, prosecutors, Attorneys General, and Armed Forces did absolutely NOTHING – except stand in line to lick his ass. Check Pelosi’s finances. Schumer’s. Reid’s. Ryan’s. Waters’s. Cummings’s. Clay’s. O’Cortez’s. Hell, pick a name at random and do a thorough investigation!

    The “media” and the “watchdogs” are complicit – just as in the FISA episode.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. CNN said it’s illegal to investigate a presidential candidate. Like when CNN claimed it was illegal to read Hitlary’s emails.

    So that’s good enough for me.

    Joe doesn’t stand a chance anyway. He will get the geriatric D vote, none of the under 60 D crowd will ever embrace him. He’s too old, too racist and too white!

  6. Even deep in the fog of her diminishing mental state Nancy is stirring contention as if functioning on auto pilot. Knowing that her party has fielded a collection of pathetic losers and stands no chance of overcoming the Trump machine she plows ahead causing as much harm as possible.
    Anything that would benefit the general public is left out of her calculations.

  7. So smaht people claim to believe that rich people hire lobbyists to not get them what they want? That they can not get through the ballot box?

    Lobbyists exist to subvert “the will of the people”.

  8. Wow.

    The American response to the US collapse is to deny that the USA is decaying, praise their beloved government overlords, and attack anyone who criticizes the government.

    Americans simply seem unable to recognize cause and effect.

    If the government destroys the economy with regulations, Americans slam private charities that help the homeless.

    If gas prices rise because the government increased gas taxes, Americans blame oil companies.

    If the government bans coal power plants and mandates that everyone buy electric cars, Americans blame electric companies.

    If the Gestapo arrest someone for smoking at Burger King, Americans blame Burger King.

    If the government fails to protect the border, Americans criticize a nonprofit that tries to construct a private border wall.

    When the US starts wars that lead to refugees, Americans attack churches that help house the refugees.

    When the NSA unconstitutionally wiretaps Americans 24/7, Americans criticize Google.

    When the government starts a trade war that reduces US exports and raises prices, Americans criticize China.

    When the government uses asset forfeiture, Americans attack the ACLU for suing the government.

    When the government steals money at the point of a gun from taxpayers to fund food stamps, Americans attack Walmart for selling food that helps lazy people become fat.

    Americans absolutely don’t care that the government has outlawed everything, but Americans become batshit insane when they hear that private prisons have government contracts to lock people up.

    Americans don’t mind that regulations have destroyed the economy and has lead to homelessness, but Americans lose their minds that the Gestapo don’t arrest the homeless for public urination.

    Americans don’t care that female circumcision is illegal, but Americans become outraged when they find out that male circumcision is legal.

    Americans don’t mind if they are forced to have an ID to buy a gun, but Americans become livid with rage that you aren’t required to have an ID to vote.

    Americans don’t care if taxes are high if wetbacks are deported.


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