Joe Biden Revives False Claim He Was ‘Shot At’ While Overseas – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Revives False Claim He Was ‘Shot At’ While Overseas

OANN: Joe Biden continues to lie about his past. This time, he brought back a debunked story of him allegedly being shot at while overseas. At a debate in 2007, Biden claimed he was targeted at the Green Zone in Baghdad. He had to retract those comments after getting backlash from veterans. MORE

20 Comments on Joe Biden Revives False Claim He Was ‘Shot At’ While Overseas

  1. Jethro
    FEBRUARY 5, 2021 AT 2:35 PM
    “How much lying does he have to do before his pants self combust?”

    …he’s peed them so much that I don’t think they CAN…

  2. Granny says it might be true but the shooter didn’t miss. She poses he took a direct hit to his frontal lobe. Just didn’t kill em cause he’s brain dead already.

  3. So many Heroes are Democrats. America is lucky.

    Funny how trump never served, had no hero stories, but had much more respect and spent more time acknowledging the all branches of the military than Bozo, Dubya, Kankles, & Cranky pants Joe.

    2021, like 2020, but with no hope of a bright future…

  4. I was fighting the Mercury Manganese Tellurites in the battle of Antares. We were shit deep in pencil shavings, and carbon paper. I was dug in with these cats from the 14th Naval Tank Squadron. We were receiving heavy artillery fire from their mechanical pencils. It was awful. And then they killed me… but I got better, and led the charge on those Mercury Cornpop Ponies. They were badass.

    But they shit in my trousers. It was a mess.

    But we won, dudes!

  5. @Erik

    Joe’s story continues…and then we had to rescue the 144th Typewriter Battalion, who were dug in under their desks, surrounded by a couple of squadrons of the enemy Dog-Faced Pony Soldier Armored Horse Cavalry. They saw our mechanical pencils, paper clips, and scotch tape and got out of there pretty damned fast, I tell you. They saw our weapons and high-tailed it, throwing away their AK47 Letter-openers in the rush to save themselves.

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