Joe Biden Says He’s In Favor Of Banning Plastic Straws – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Says He’s In Favor Of Banning Plastic Straws

Federalist: Former Vice President Joe Biden made clear where he stands in the straw debate, arguing that the day has come that the single-use plastic tubes are no longer necessary.

“I’m concerned about the amount of plastic being used,” said a child at a town hall in Hudson, New Hampshire on Sunday. “Because what happens is, it gets into the fish’s body and then we eat the fish… How as president would you help that?” more here

24 Comments on Joe Biden Says He’s In Favor Of Banning Plastic Straws

  1. They banned plastic bags here recently. The other day I walked out out of the store clumsily holding four items because I didn’t want to pay 5 cents for a paper one. I hit the sliding doors and mutter under my breath, “Fucking liberals.” 🤣

  2. St. Pete made it against the law for restaurants to provide straws along with beverages. They are told to give you one only if you ask.

    The local Leftist drones believe that’s going to save the ocean or something so they’re very proud of the law. They’re their own little Captain Planets…you’re the villain if you question it.

    Truth is, it’s a subtle form of legally enforced idolatry (heathen earth worship, right out of Romans ch. 1).

  3. Joe should not be too quick to banish straws. A straw will become very important in his life when he moves into the senior citizens home which should happen any time now. It will help with his Ensure drink.

  4. Joe’s Family is Earning Millions each month in, tax free, under the table kickbacks from US foreign aid. His US taxpayer paid body guard carries a package of straws next to his gun holster. Joe is doing great, get a job in Washington and you’ll be rich in your first week. Call 1-800-GET-RICH – not available to certain political affiliations.

  5. You buy meat wrapped in plastic bags and on styrofoam trays. You buy pre prepared food packaged in plastic. You buy bread in plastic bags. You buy plastic bags of candy and cookies. You buy milk and juice and soda and water in plastic bottles, etc.
    But banning plastic straws and shopping bags is going to save the planet.

  6. If a little GIRL had asked Creepy Joe that same question, he would have called her on stage and asked her how she felt about ‘organic’ straws…

    Okay actually I feel sick just typing that out. I apologize.

  7. When it’s the Fake News left-wing media asking questions like that of the Democrat Party candidates, I’ve become convinced that the left-wing has recognized they are going to get run over by the Trump train at election time.

    So now the left-wing media is in a game of One Upper to see who can ask the most absurd questions

    “Should we go back to the moon in a hybrid powered rocket? And should the astronauts be chosen by their skills or by their diversity?”

  8. And that,

    the day has come that the single-use plastic tubes are no longer necessary

    sums up why they… all — kith, kin, business associates, DNA targets, staff, staff’s DNA targets — need, not should, but need… to be sent to “re-education” camps. Over the hills and far away. (I would say “Too far, even, for Red Symbol inspections” — but, since all the “Red Symbol” inspectors… and their kith, kin, DNA targets, &c… will already be in the camps… that would be untrue.)

    The “idea” that you don’t deem “it” necessary, is a rational explanation for literally literal war (no “scare” quotes), against your neighbors, is why you need to be sent far… “far”… “away”. Until you pose no further threat. Because of how, not merely what, you think.

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