Joe Biden Says Nancy Pelosi “Helped Rescue the Economy in the Great Depression” – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Says Nancy Pelosi “Helped Rescue the Economy in the Great Depression”

Pelosi “helped rescue the economy in the Great Depression,” Biden said at this year’s Emily’s List gala. Nancy Pelosi will go down as ‘one of the most consequential speakers in the history of the United States,’ he said.

26 Comments on Joe Biden Says Nancy Pelosi “Helped Rescue the Economy in the Great Depression”

  1. That’s why they spent so much time erasing history, so they can rewrite it in their own image. Probably working on a new Bible with Biden the savior.

  2. One self-proclaimed “devout Catholic”, praising another self-proclaimed “devout Catholic” at a pro-abortion event (Emily’s List). Your rooms are ready and waiting. Sorry, there’s no air conditioning.

  3. @Dr. Ham

    Their goals are certainly insane. Their methods may be good enough to get them there, but not before good people try to stop them.

    Human lives are the chips in that game. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao thought they were saving the world too, cashed in their chips and realized some successes before heading off to Satan’s furnace.

  4. “Miss Lube Rack 1959. I wonder if Jack Kennedy tapped that.”

    Jack Kennedy, who would fuck a snake if someone else held it, wouldn’t go near that skank. Her years being the Longshoremen’s whore distended it all out of shape – and her breath STILL smells like Longshoreman dick.
    (this was confirmed by Pete Buttigieg and Barry Obola)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Was this around the time when FDR talked to the American people on television at rhe time of the 1929 stock market crash?
    Has to be true because Joey B told this to Katie Currick on his train interview.


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