Joe Biden says voters don’t deserve to know if he would pack the Supreme Court – IOTW Report

Joe Biden says voters don’t deserve to know if he would pack the Supreme Court

Biden says the public will know his position on court-packing the day after the election.

Just TheNews: During a trip to Las Vegas, a reporter confronted Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on if he would pack the court, in which he replied that voters don’t deserve to know.

A KTNV reporter told Biden the number one thing viewers have asked in the past couple days is if he would choose to pack the court.

“Well you’ve been asked by the viewers who are probably Republicans who don’t want me continuing to talk about what they’re doing to the court right now,” Biden responded Friday. more

14 Comments on Joe Biden says voters don’t deserve to know if he would pack the Supreme Court

  1. If it was something he thought would be popular or legal, he’d be shouting it through the ham radio in his basement. Inshallah.

    If he says he is going to pack the court, Trump could expand the court to 18 next week. Why 18. Make it 50. Every state gets one Justice. That’s fair.

  2. Actually, Dementia Joe caught himself just in time before he finished pronouncing the word “deserve”, which indicates that his handlers tapped his micro shock collar. Watch how quickly Poor Joey reverts to his memorized mantra that he doesn’t want the subject to be all about if he would pack the Supreme Court. Come on, man! Stop ambushing this guy with questions about the fundamental issues facing this country. Keep it simple!

  3. Words matter. Democrats have changed filling vacancies on the courts to now calling that “packing”.

    Packing is adding seats where the were none.

    It’s Sunday morning but when liberals are lying that is the only time you’ll find them singing from the same hymn.

  4. Court Packing…
    Joe Biden will not add any more than 171 Justices to the High Court,
    3 for each of the 57 states, strictly to save money and for greater efficiency.

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