Joe Biden Secures Coveted Michael Avenatti Endorsement – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Secures Coveted Michael Avenatti Endorsement


Joe Biden is running for president again. The former vice president, 76, is the most recent addition to a crowded Democratic primary field that is already dominated by white males. This will be Biden’s third campaign for president.

Shortly after announcing his bid in an online video, Biden picked up several endorsements from U.S. senators.

But by far the most coveted endorsement Biden received on Thursday came courtesy of former Democratic frontrunner and “savior of the republic” Michael Avenatti. The 2018 Free Beacon Man of the Year announced via Twitter his “enthusiastic support” for Biden, who “offers Dems the very best chance in 2020.”


14 Comments on Joe Biden Secures Coveted Michael Avenatti Endorsement

  1. Pro~Con Tip: Pre-confinement behaviour credits are NOT directly or indirectly transferable to post-sentencing reductions.

    Source: CNN interviews famous Attorney Michael Avenatti over concerns on Presidential Pardons.

  2. Avenatti who has been 100% wrong on every claim he has made, now indicted and facing a few hundred years of jail time and the polls that predicted a HRC landslide having Biden up 8. Get the popcorn, this is going to be very entertaining.


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