Joe Biden Stumbles, Asks for Help, When Challenged On His False Claim No Americans Are Blocked from Kabul Airport – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Stumbles, Asks for Help, When Challenged On His False Claim No Americans Are Blocked from Kabul Airport


An NPR reporter actually did some journalism when he went off-script and asked a follow-up question that Biden was not expecting.

In the previous question, a seemingly out-of-touch Joe Biden falsely claimed that all Americans attempting to flee Afghanistan were able to get to the Kabul airport without issue.  This claim is exactly the opposite of the reality on the ground,  as it is being reported by dozens of journalists from all media outlets.  The false statement was even too big for the NPR reporter ignore seconds later.  WATCH

18 Comments on Joe Biden Stumbles, Asks for Help, When Challenged On His False Claim No Americans Are Blocked from Kabul Airport

  1. Go home Joe.Retire and let your wife take care of you and I pray the Lord goes easy on you. You need your rest,play with your dogs and enjoy the remaining days.i hope you find some peace…..😥😉🐒🐕🐮

  2. Go home Joe, as in straight to hell. You have always been a nasty piece of work. Mean, venal, insecure, and cowardly. Your “wife” has no interest in you other than using you for her own status, and your dogs obviously hate you, which is the single greatest indicator of your satanic nature. Please fuck off and die you pedophilic bastard.

  3. Stolen elections have disastrous consequences, and the Installation of a cognitively impaired imbecile is proving to be more disastrous than anyone could have imagined. Obiden Bama’s handlers must be dumber than he is to have pulled the military out of Afghanistan before securing the Americans and the Afganis who assisted them during twenty years of this misadventure. The consequences of this Afghanistan catastrophe cannot be hidden in Dementia Joe’s basement. The whole world is watching, and it’s going to get a lot worse.

  4. Just pass’n thru
    AUGUST 21, 2021 AT 3:45 AM

    I thumbed JPT up because I know he speaks as the Lord would have us speak. Be kind to those who despitefully use you and all that. God wants everyone to come to Him, even Pedo, and JPT is right to pray for that in the sight of the Lord and I KNOW that, so I thumbed him up for doing the Lord’s bidding.

    NOT because I want it to happen. Because I HATE fucking pedophiles, consider them worthy of the most painful and longest lasting death by dismemberment, disembowelling, ripping apart, smashing their knees and elbows and the rest of their limbs into fleshy bags filled with bone fragments, being careful NOT to tear the flesh so it can be used to tie them to Catherine wheels and raised so the crows can eat their eyeballs, then burn whatever is left, still alive if possible.

    And I want that, and more, as a mere appetizer, a prelude to the eternal torments Pedo Joe and his ilk have justly earned in hell.

    This is bad, for me, for the Cisco Kid (who I agree with), and for all who wish this upon Pedo, as it is not in the Lord’s will. Hatred will not be allowed in Heaven, and hating Pedo will probably land us in the Lake of Fire WITH him because we know better.

    But I DO hate him, personally for his treasons and his lies, for the deaths he’s caused, and for the deaths he WILL cause for no reason other than his glorification of self.

    But mostly I hate him for his flagrant, open child abuse.

    I know more about abusers on just about every level than I ever wanted to, personally, professionally, even talked to one once on the way to the hospital after he resisted arrest. Some of this I’ve documented here so I won’t repeat. But the common theme is that they have kicked God in the face for good by raping children and they KNOW it, so they decide that they will CONTINUE to abuse children till they die, and will even tell police and judges that.

    Pedo Joe is like that. And it’s probably why it’s a sacred ritual for Democrats now to rape children, so they can be bound to satan forever. The devil is evil, not stupid, and he knows this works.

    And don’t look to man’s justice to stop them. You can see from Pedo Joe that no one will stop him, you can read the news where its becoming “normalized”, read the Koran where it’s a SACRED TRADITION, or just get on the Internet without a search filter.

    I once could have killed a pedo, but didn’t. I was naïve enough when I was part of “the system” to believe “the system” would handle it.

    I’ll never make THAT mistake again.

    …so yeah, I hate this motherfucker. I hate him with a blazing, bloody passion. And I’m probably going to go to hell for it myself.

    But I’m to the point I’m almost OK with it, if I get to take turns with the Cisco Kid shoving Joe’s head under the Lake of Fire’s lava surface for all eternity.

    …so God Bless Just Passn’ Thru. You all should follow him as that follows the Lord.

    But I can’t. Not now. Maybe never.

    So much for me. The Lord is just, but some things I cannot abide.

    And this is one of them…

  5. I am disgusted with Biden, but my disgust is tempered by the fact that he made none of the decisions which caused this catastrophe and for which he alone is having to answer. Yes, with great power comes great responsibility, but those who truly hold the power and screwed the pooch are successfully evading responsibility by scapegoating their frontman.

    Heads should be rolling throughout the State department and the Pentagon, but not a single one will tumble in the end, and nothing will change. And neither one of the masked douchebags flanking President Crater will be cashiered. In fact, at least one of them will be promoted soon. As long as we are in thrall to our homicidally incompetent permanent governing class, we are doomed.

  6. CCNV, what’s up with the crotch-level hand clasps? Is that some sort of ceremonial protocol? It looks really weak and simpy. Maybe it’s meant to convey subservience and helplessness to the tyrant juggernaut Joe, and distance them from the stench of failure. If they wished to convey solidarity, then parade rest or folded arms would be shown. President Crater is all alone in the world now.

  7. When they needed a complete Asshole to run things they knew exactly where to look! 47 years of nothing but blustering, bragging and utter dishonesty from an unpatriotic, greedy, vain, venal, and vicious functional moron. Jackass Joe may have been the country’s last choice, but he certainly was their first choice to destroy America!
    Uncle Xi is smiling ear to ear!!

  8. SNS – I agree with most of what you are saying but would take the opportunity to remind you that though your (and my) desire inflict pain and punishment on pedophiles in general and Joe in particular is a sin, if you’ve confessed Christ as your savior and work to repent from sinful behavior you are never lost to Hell. Ever. He will not let a single one slip through his fingers.

  9. On the dais we have for your entertainment Wynken (heels up), Blynken (our aptly named SOS) and Nod (Sleepy, “time for a nap” Joe). Three characters in a whimsical fairy tale, who have turned it into a nightmare.

  10. SNS
    There is a time for love.
    There is a time for hate. Both have a place in all of us by design from our creator. Recognizing the time and place we are in,
    there is a time to be peaceful and a Time to kill, as culturally unappropriate as that sounds. That is what justice and war is all about. At the end of the day we need to hate what they do to harm innocence, violence and love both are necessary in this world.


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