Joe Biden Sued By 21 State Coalition! – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Sued By 21 State Coalition!


With one sweep of his pen, Sleepy Joe stole tens of thousands of good-paying jobs.

The Keystone XL Pipeline was set to employ many hard-working Americans and maintain our energy independence.

But Biden killed those jobs and instead put us on a path back on dependence of foreign oil.

All in the name of ‘climate change.’

But we know Democrats don’t really care about the environment.

The decision to halt the pipeline just benefits their donors and they mask their intentions with this altruistic façade.

And Biden’s executive power grab to halt the interstate and international commerce is in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution.


3 Comments on Joe Biden Sued By 21 State Coalition!

  1. “And Biden’s executive power grab to halt the interstate and international commerce is in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution.”

    …The Pedophile’s existence in the White House is in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution.

    And multiple states joined Texas in filing a Constitutional challenge to it in the Supreme Court.

    ….which, because of 3 Communists, 3 cowards, and a severely compromised chief “justice”, wasn’t even HEARD.

    …you still don’t get it. Democrats own the courts, too.

    This goes nowhere.

    …just like that did…

  2. If the “big guy” were getting kick backs the pipeline would have been expanded.

    Job Killer Joe.

    To be fair he probably didn’t know what he was signing.


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