Joe Biden Tells US Troops in Poland They’re Going to Ukraine (Video) …Update: White House Corrects Biden – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Tells US Troops in Poland They’re Going to Ukraine (Video) …Update: White House Corrects Biden

GP: Joe Biden spoke to troops with the 82nd Airborne in Poland Friday, telling them what to expect to see when they go to Ukraine. Biden also appears to have let slip that some troops have already been in Ukraine. The White House later clarified there has been no change in U.S. policy about not sending troops to Ukraine. Who to believe, Biden or his handlers? more

18 Comments on Joe Biden Tells US Troops in Poland They’re Going to Ukraine (Video) …Update: White House Corrects Biden

  1. no greater example of government/media collusive double-speak than this small incident

    if Trump were to do this there would be a great breast-beating, wailing & gnashing of teeth, the likes of we have never witnessed … amoung D’rats & repugnicans throughout the gov’t/media cabal.

    Little Lindsey would have a case of the vapors, Vodka Skeletor would call for another Impeachment, Adam Schiff would be sucking more ChiCom crank & Eric SwallowsWell would be sniffing around for more Chicom love-you-long-time poontang.

    Hunter Biden just continues to snort more coke, smoke more meth, indulge in ‘no yellow’ hookers & gather 10% for the ‘Big Robin’

  2. Not only is this not entertaining, but it could cause a misunderstanding or misinterpretation that could lead to a massive counter response that was not anticipated. Or, this could all be by design. Much of the world would love to see us fall on our face, and with this administration in place that is exactly what we are doing! We are screwed!

  3. AW Fuck, we’re only up to the 82nd airborne going from Poland to Ukraine….Don’t we have 19 more airbornes until we get to the 101st?….Then it will be serious….

  4. You’re Going to Ukraine, and You’re Going to Ukraine, and You’re Going to Ukraine, Everybody’s Going to Ukraine. Hell, Even CornPop is Going to Ukraine.

  5. Absolutely nothing which the grifter and crap-bag Joe Biden puts into place or attempts to is sustainable to American life. The goofball made a long career of taking much more than he gave/gives with his GIVE-ME, I-WANT attitude.

  6. Stupid Pedo. Trying to start WW3.

    Can you imagine the misery of the cleanup team when his mouth and ass are running at the same time?

    They deeply deserve every bit of diahhera from either orifice for propping up a senile pederast.

    Fuck the Pedo…

    He’s busy fucking us every time he opens his demented piehole.

  7. Going into Ukraine to defend the dishonorable, unscroupulous and illegal investments of a demented, pig-eyed liar with the mental agility of a small plant stand and his thoroughly corrupt family would make me think twice!

  8. Nothing gives me greater confidence than to hear our cowardly commander in queef, who dodged Vietnam service by 6 questionable deferments, telling those who willingly serve this nation they may enter combat.
    Biden the cowardly Lion, scarecrow and tin man all wrapped up in one frail body.
    We are being led by a cowardly, brainless and heartless fool.

  9. I believe the Pentagon is still denying that they were fighting in Laos and Cambodia during ‘Nam, so clearly you believe no one….but President Pudding Brain can be like a broken clock…he’s right twice a day.

  10. Why would anyone trust this pinhead with any battle plan? Remember, he is the one who gave the world the details and location of the (formerly) secret underground bunker/command center near DC. Oh, and who can forget when he spilled the beans about Seal Team 6, resulting in a bunch of them getting killed. In a better time, this useless sack of excrement would be facing a firing squad.

  11. @TN VOLUNTEER March 26, 2022 at 10:42 am

    > How long is America going to suffer this POS?

    As long as Americans keep calling The United States “our” country.


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