Joe Biden – The 1975 Segregationist – IOTW Report

Joe Biden – The 1975 Segregationist

9 Comments on Joe Biden – The 1975 Segregationist

  1. Yes Kamala has to he asked about Joey’s segregationist
    Comments, his many other racist comments and his association with Robert Byrd if she is the pick.

    Whoever he picks should be asked. Which is why they will hold off until the last minute to avoid questions. But then they won’t be asked anyway because the press will do nothing to expose the Democrats

    She also neefs to be asked what she was thinking when she got her new puffy face😱

  2. And now joey is saying that President Trump is the first racist President in American history. Hey joey, Woodrow Wilson was the first blatantly racist President and LBJ was a racist as well. Both democraps, what else is new. Get your facts straight you moron, the democraps are the party of racism and have been so since both before and after the Civil War, up to the current time we live in now.

  3. He doesn’t remember 1975 much less yesterday. There’s just no way in the world he can endure 6 hours toe to toe with President Trump. No way.

    But I’m not seeing the needed buildup to him being denied the nomination. Either the inside polling is telling the dems they’re going to get steamrolled so Joe might as well be the sacrificial lamb.

    Or should they win, the VP will really be running the show and if that happens, Heaven won’t be able to help us.

    This election is a real Klown Parade. Trump was cruising to an easy reelection and then the Chinese flu. And now more fake crap with the Chinese flu v2.0. I hate to say it but Trump really got played by Faucci sundance was on to him from Day 1, how could Trump have missed it?

  4. @MMinAR

    “But I’m not seeing the needed buildup to him being denied the nomination”

    I don’t believe you’ll see any buildup. It is my personal belief that Biden will simply wake up dead sometime in late August “of natural causes.”

    Then the demon shall be unleashed.


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