Joe Biden, The Human Malaprop – IOTW Report

Joe Biden, The Human Malaprop

From marveling at how many biracial couples are on TV to reading “end of quote” off his teleprompter, Joe Biden had a solid week of senior moments, misstatements, and malapropisms.

9 Comments on Joe Biden, The Human Malaprop

  1. Joe, what did you mean when you said, “He can’t stop the violence, because for years he’s fomented it.” ? What did you mean, “fomented?”

    Huh? Whatsa matter? Oh, man. Why would you ask me about a word? Hey, go look it up yourself in a… in a… you know… in a word… uh… a a a a a…. a word book! You know what I mean – a word… you know the THING!.

    How do you spell it, Joe?

    Spell WHAT? Look, dude, I don’t know why you’re here. Ar ar ar ar ar ar are you some kind of, you know, a…?

    “Fomented,” Joe. Spell it and use it in a sentence.

    Look, for cryin’ out loud. Foam… that’s what you shave with. Mint… that’s the aftershave. Jeepers, man. This is stupid. You’re just stupid, man!

    So you were talking about Trump’s shaving cream and aftershave?

    Hell no! C’mon, man! I was reading a speech on the tele… tv… you know, the screen thing. Trump’s a violent man. He’s got big mus… big arms. Violent is the word, lemme tell ya! I’d rack that mutha!

    Are you afraid of him, Joe? You have to debate him on stage you know.

    Afraid of that guy? Hell no, man. I’ll kick his ass like I did Cornpop, man. Lemme show ya. You wanna go a few rounds with me? Huh? Huh? Huh? You scared of me, bubba? Huh?… (lots of boxer motions)

    Hey, I gotta go. Jill wants me downstairs.

    Thanks for talking to us, Joe. Oh, and by the way, it’s


    (Jill, what the hell is this guy talkin’ about?)

  2. Thanks, Radio. I just like trying to get into Joe’s head. Because, if he weren’t a corrupt, prevaricating douchebag, his current antics are really kind of funny. The guy is a walking comedy act and he makes me laugh.

  3. Next they will be writing STOP- THE END, boulevard stop and SHUT UP. And he will say that too.
    What a golden gift we have with slow Joe. Thanks Dems. Keep him coming, he’s doing fine.
    The mind is a terrible thing to what was I talking about where’s my list I don’t have it?

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