Joe Biden Threatens to Fight Texas Harder Than He Ever Fought the Taliban – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Threatens to Fight Texas Harder Than He Ever Fought the Taliban

PJMedia: A raft of new laws took effect in Texas on September 1. Those laws were passed by the legislature and signed by Gov. Greg Abbott in accordance with the Texas constitution.

One of them concerns abortion. It’s called the Heartbeat Act. The United States Supreme Court has declined to hear a challenge to that law, allowing the new pro-life legislation to go into effect in Texas.

Joe Biden has announced that he intends to bring the full weight of the federal government against Texas and that law.

Perhaps this is a good thing. Biden warns that the law will cause “unconstitutional chaos.” He does know chaos well, having instigated it on the border, in our economy, and in Aghanistan. He’s a champion of chaos.

Biden is exposing his priorities very clearly — he is a radical leftist. He’ll fight Texas far harder than he fought the Taliban — he armed them with billions of dollars in weapons and gave them a whole country, in which he stranded Americans behind enemy lines.

Biden will fight Texas far harder than he has bothered to fight drug smugglers and human traffickers at the border, which he has thrown wide open and then left undefended even during a deadly pandemic. More fentanyl than ever is flowing across the border and Biden is not fighting it at all. read more

18 Comments on Joe Biden Threatens to Fight Texas Harder Than He Ever Fought the Taliban

  1. Pelosi drafted a bill to give women “With emotional or mental distress” access to abortion services for up to 9 months. You read that right. 9 months. Watch to see who puts their name on that.

    She’s either doing this as a way to calm the Squad down (knowing it isn’t going to pass) or she really wants this. (Still not going to pass)

    Either way, evil.

  2. Medical science has come a long way since 1973. We understand brainwaves, heart beats and unique DNA all found in “fetuses” (Latin for unborn baby). But don’t bother the party of Moloch about “science” when it comes for the satiation for their thirst for babies blood. Oh, they will quote the one verse of 97% “consensus” of scientists (to which I always want to say -so, you are saying Gallo was wrong?) when it comes to marching under the banner of destroying West Civ because “climate change!”. But don’t you dare quote science regarding “that baby has unique DNA from the mom AND can feel pain.

    I just heard a Moloch apologist talking on the radio this morning bemoaning how horrible this law is and that it might drive women to get an off the books abortion. That would be a banner to march under if it were not for the fact that the state of New York passed a law saying anyone can abort a baby and it is no big deal. You hit a car and the woman survives but her unborn baby does not- not to worry you can be charged for murder. You spike a pregnant woman’s beverage with enough poison to murder her baby but not the woman- you can’t be charged for murder in New York. A woman pays you to ram a coat hanger up her unit to murder her baby if you are in the state of New York that is not a crime. You can’t celebrate that law in one state and then cry another state may cause people to go underground. But I digress.

    We have a POTUS who has pledge to fight a law protecting babies with more zeal, vigor & enthusiasm than he has fought: The Taliban (sex slavers & homo murderers), The Drug Cartels (sex slavers, drug pusher and human trafficking), The Fentanyl plague (St Floyd, peace be upon his blessed name, died of that excrement) and actual rioting & looting across the nation. I don’t want another Civil War but I can’t see this ending in any other way if they steel another election.

  3. …so, when the Jab murders and maims children in utero because it was never tested for that, will THAT be considered fir criminal prosecution in Texas?

    …because it SHOULD be…

  4. Texas says, “Yeehaw! Bring it on”.

    Biden couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag, even WITH the secret service guiding him. What a pitiful blow heart! He has NO accomplishments of his own, so he plagiarizes or strews fantasies about his life. He’s a failure at every facet of his life!

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