Joe Biden to Ask Congress for Another $10 Billion for Ukraine – IOTW Report

Joe Biden to Ask Congress for Another $10 Billion for Ukraine

Daily Fetched-

Joe Biden is poised to ask Congress for another eye-watering $10 billion Ukraine aid package, according to reports.

The Ukraine aid battle will continue when Congress returns from recess.

Now, Biden’s looming request, which could exceed “north of $10 billion,” comes as Ukraine continues its slow-moving counteroffensive against Russia as NATO countries and the US pledged even more support.

The Army’s acquisition chief said on Monday that the Department of Defense was in the process of creating a Ukraine funding package for lawmakers to consider

The new package will replenish American weapon stockpiles, which have since been completed after providing munitions to Ukraine’s conflict with Russia.

So far, the US has provided more than $110 billion in aid to Ukraine, despite voters saying they are no longer comfortable with more taxpayer dollars being sent to the country. more

11 Comments on Joe Biden to Ask Congress for Another $10 Billion for Ukraine

  1. Of course it’s not for Ukraine. Ukraine is just the washing machine. Our “government” is corrupt beyond comprehension. These lousy scum are willing to destroy our economy to so enrich themselves that when the EBTs read error, they want to be safely insulated.

    That ain’t gonna happen.

  2. And yet the morons all around me somehow think Ukies have a chance to “beat” Russia. So here they are believing the same liars that told us about Convid, or all the other hoaxes.
    I try and ask, “If you hate Pelousy and Bite-me, why are you believing anything they say?”

  3. Who writes this scat? Does anybody get a proofread?

    “…which have since been completed after providing munitions to Ukraine…”

    “Depleted” not “completed”.

    Nitpicking? Somewhat, but these give me serious reservations about every other word in the article, and puts me in “why bother reading the rest” mode.

  4. Joke Biden aka, pResident Pedo, can get launder $110 million bucks through Congress …

    & PDT couldn’t get any funding for a wall

    … go figure
    (they, all of them, are not on our side … said Captain Obvious)

  5. Zelenskyy wants another $ 10 BILLION

    To keep his mouth shut about all the money laundering
    he did for the Bidens, Obamas and Clintons.

    What else is new.

    And the smellocratic congressional coral group sings :

    “What a Friend We Have in Ukraine” !

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