Joe Biden Tried To Shake The Hand of a Afghanistan Veteran With a Missing Arm – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Tried To Shake The Hand of a Afghanistan Veteran With a Missing Arm

When Joe and Jill Biden came to his hospital room, the president reached out to shake his hand even though his arm was gone, immediately started talking about his son.

DCN: It’s been about two years since Joe Biden’s disastrous troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and the liberal media still won’t acknowledge what a unnecessary clusterf*ck it was. In hopes of holding Biden accountable, Gold Star families and wounded soldiers are telling their stories of what a shit human being Joe is. One Marine even said Biden tried to shake his hand despite his arm having been blown off in the Kabul suicide bombing that claimed the lives of 13 U.S. service members.

Not only did Biden get American soldiers killed, he stranded Americansstranded American dogs, and gave the Taliban billions of dollars worth of American weapons. Before we proceed, here’s Joe calling the Afghanistan disaster a great success.
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18 Comments on Joe Biden Tried To Shake The Hand of a Afghanistan Veteran With a Missing Arm

  1. I haven’t gotten past infuriating to become embarrassed.
    Commander in Chief, my ass. Mr. deferment during Vietnam he didn’t have the balls to serve his country, but willing enough to to become a $Millionaire through corruption, deceit and deception.
    Biden is right down there with Hanoi Jane, scum of the Nation.

  2. Apollo, that meme with joey being followed by those balls in the water is very reminiscent of the BBC program The Prisoner in the late 60’s with Patrick McGoohan as Number 7 a political prisoner who was trapped in a strange village by God knows who the bad guys were and was constantly being reindoctrinated into believing everything he had previously experienced before he was taken prisoner was false and a lie. The Prisoner still is one of my all-time favorite BBC programs ever and I will watch it over again anytime that PBS rebroadcasts it. And joey deserves no respect from any veteran because of what he has done to gut and destroy the military.

  3. ^^^ That’ll be next… one of these times in public Jackass Joe will put his hand down his pants and start fumbling around and then say “I’m pretty sure I wuz the last one to put it back, but I’ll be damned if I can find it now!”

  4. @Geoff. I thought about creating memes from photos from the series, a few days after the involvement of this “Mysterious balloon that flew over Canada and the USA and that the biden administration took everyone for fools once again.
    This TV series, I remember it very well because I was born in 68. I loved his Lotus, but these “hunter” balloons really scared me when I was a kid, especially when they stuck to the face of a character who was trying to escape.
    So, when I played outside, I always carry a pair of knitting pins from my mother (just in case).

  5. One thing I saw the last time, a few years ago that I watched The Prisoner in high definition is how much clearer the picture was from the original on our old color TV, the big bright green pleasure machine, kudos to Simon and Garfunkle for that. There was one scene that when number 7 was rescued by a boat in open water where there was a girlie picture on the wall of the boat that definitely was far more explicit and pornographic than the way the original image was blurred and fuzzy. I’m going, what else did I miss originally watching it on our old color TV back in the day.


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