Joe Biden Tries to Fool Me Into Giving Out Personal Information – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Tries to Fool Me Into Giving Out Personal Information

From WhiteHouseDossier:

Look what showed up in my inbox this afternoon.

Joe Biden

I’m like, what? Me? JOE, THANK YOU! I mean, I’ve been writing all this mean stuff about you and the president, and here you are, so magnanimously, calling me “great.”

But the Biden buttering up was just beginning. I double clicked:


6 Comments on Joe Biden Tries to Fool Me Into Giving Out Personal Information

  1. Joe looked perfect sitting next to Puss faced sharpton at the Police/Racism Powwow with obola.. Sheriff Clarke more or less called the powwow bullshit.

    I call it a gathering of commies, bent on “fundamentally changing the United States of America.”

  2. A good way to stop this shit AND get them to waste their Democrat Party funds is to look up the local street address for the wastewater treatment plant and submit that.

    Or the local address for the NAMBLA chapter

    Or the local address for the Ku Klux Klan chapter. (But then again, the Democrat Slavery Party already knows all the contact info for the KKK. After all, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd was a Grand Kleagle Dragonmeister til the day he died AND the KKK was founded by Democrats after the War of Northern Aggression)

    Or the local chapter for LGBT

    Or the local chapter for the CPUSA

    Or the local chapter for the Aryan Nation

    Or the local chapter for the Martha Stewart Fan Club (but be careful, these folks will really fuck you up if they get mad)

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