Video: Joe Biden tripping over his own script – IOTW Report

Video: Joe Biden tripping over his own script

23 Comments on Video: Joe Biden tripping over his own script

  1. Gee Wally, try to imagine him as President with Nancy Pelosi as VP together on a dais?

    Gee Beave, try to imagine the cheering morons who think they’re great???

    Eddie Haskel: That’s really twisted guys! I wouldn’t even go that far!

  2. Biden never made much sense to ms, but now he’s starting to look haggard,gaunt, cadaverous, take your pick. That is “a big fucking deal.” Come November 2020, he’ll be in a home for the elderly. Mark my words.

  3. I have a few customers like this. We both know they are degrading and I sit to give them time to work it out. At times finishing their sentences for them to relieve them of the struggle.

    Go home, Joe. Your time of effectiveness is gone.

    At this point, you are a weak sock puppet so thread bare we can see right through you to the hand up your ass running your game.

    Time for you to harass the nurses when they come to give you your meds and gaze out the window at the pretty lawn in the mean time.

  4. Drunk, high, stroke or dementia. Maybe a little of each, but he does have a problem. Like Nancy Pelosi, the Ds will let him continue, nary a word. Do they not care at all about this man or even how he colors the D party as a party of crotchety old people who belong in a nursing home to protect themselves?

    Come on, people. Put them out of their (and our) misery and let them enjoy their sunset years. You can’t be that inhumane to make them suffer so, can you?

  5. There is no difference between Biden, Sharpton and Chris Matthews. and a few others like Pelosi and Barney’s Frank.

    The stupid flows so freely that it trips itself coming out of the gate.

  6. Watching this criminal miscreant disintegrate before our eyes is hilarious.
    These old timers are all showing signs of advancing alzheimers but in Joe’s case it’s always been hard to tell.

  7. Joe has been given a free ride in what I call the media’s armored limousine. Free ride or kidnapping. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

    They’ve decided to artificially inflate his poll numbers. Sequester him from criticism. Protect their last best hope at all costs. Declare him the winner before a primary is held. Just like with Clinton.

    But they can’t protect this stuttering stroke victim from himself. They’ll throw themselves in front of the bullets. Kill the stories. But they don’t control every outlet nowadays and he has 20 other competitors who will jump at blood I’m the water.

  8. He has had two surgeries for brain aneurysms. He’s had his head in the body shop lately, too, and his forehead tells me he’s doing the botox thing.

    I consider him to be a ‘delivery vehicle’ to get an otherwise unelectable VP into the Presidential office. If he were to be elected, he’ll step out of office for health reasons and the VP will take over. Screencap this.

  9. Just a thought. Do the Ds think that getting Biden picked as their candidate will make President Trump feel sorry for him and take it easy on him during the debates?


  10. @Mansfield lovell: ” Greezy Joe Biden is…”

    biden is sheltering a corrupt, amoral, philandering, traitorous, drug addicted scoundrel of a son. And that is just in his family. As VP, he was ‘president of the senate.’ Is he so incompetent that he did not know about feinstein’s chinese spy, while she sat on the Intelligence Committee? Or that he was ignorant of obama’s subversions?
    He has profoundly demonstrated his unsuitability for further public office.

  11. At least he’s consistent. He’s been on the wrong side of history with every “decision”, speech and vote he has given in his entire career. And President Trump will ram EVERY speech and comment Biden makes from now until he’s done so far up his ass that anyone who wants to will be able to read and hear it every time Biden breathes, yawns or laughs.

    @ Zonga: Think of that image. Comedy GOLD!


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