Joe Biden Wants to Regulate “Number of Clips in a Gun” – IOTW Report

Joe Biden Wants to Regulate “Number of Clips in a Gun”

kprc radio:

Why do people who know nothing about guns insist on creating new laws to regulate your ability to defend yourself?

During this week’s Democrat primary debate #2, Vice President Joe Biden focused on gun control efforts like a government buy back of “assault weapons”, which is a word madeup by people who don’t understand firearms.

But the craziest moment of his anti-Constitution diatribe came when Biden declared he supported regulation for the “number of clips in a gun”. reports:

Joe Biden said such an “assault weapons” buyback is possible and has already been a topic of conversation. He added that such a buyback ought to be “demanded” because “it’s a good expenditure of money.”

Biden also boasted about securing the 1994 “assault weapons” ban and said he also banned “the number of clips in a gun.”

He also pushed “smart guns,” saying, “No gun should be able to be sold unless your biometric measure could pull that trigger. It’s within our right to do that, we can do that. Our enemy is the gun manufacturers, not the NRA.”


h/t I can’t remember, but you know who you are.

Also- Looks like a good time to put this up again:

27 Comments on Joe Biden Wants to Regulate “Number of Clips in a Gun”

  1. The only weapon I have heard of using “clips” was the M1 rifle used in WWii and Korea.
    The M1 clip held 8 rounds, the empty clip noisily ejected itself. So everyone within 20 yards knew you were in need of a reload. Not good!

  2. Joe,
    A gun uses one mag at a time Joe, one mag at a time.
    Preferably 30 round capacity.

    Don’t wander into unfamiliar territory.
    Stick with sniffing little girls, Joe.

  3. Gun buy-backs are not a “good expenditure of money.” So you tax me, then take my money and “buy” back my gun. In the end, I’ve paid for it twice (the first time I bought it and then when the government bought it from me with my money) and I still don’t end up with the gun!

  4. We need to start a thing about challenging the SCOTUS decision on “general welfare”!!!!! That’s how all these anti-Constitutional “laws” get passed in the first place.

  5. Slow Joe: Most gun deaths are suicides and unless the Clinton’s are involved, 1 bullet does the job. Eliminating guns is not going to prevent one suicide. Second leading cause of gun deaths is due to black and Mexican gangs. So take your dumb ass into Blue city ghettos and do something about gang bangers.

  6. Joe knows that the clips in his double barrel shotgun
    are the things that scare the bad guys away from his
    porch when his machine gun toting Secret Service agents
    are at lunch.

  7. Let’s give this idiot an M1 Garand with a full “clip” and loading instructions. After he gets his thumb torn off he’ll understand what a clip is.

    It ain’t like a shotgun…….Buffoon.

  8. “Why do people who know nothing about guns insist on creating new laws to regulate your ability to defend yourself?”

    They KNOW that your ability to protect yourself is your ability to protect yourself from THEM.

    The Second Amendment wasn’t written to protect yourself against intruders (that’s a given), rapists, robbers, murderers, thieves, perverts, and other assorted trash, or to give you the upper hand killing Bambi – it was written to forestall tyranny.
    An unarmed population is a slave population.
    Sparta v. Messinia.
    The Thirty of Athens.
    Charlemagne’s peasantry.
    Britain v. Scotland post Culloden.
    New York’s Sullivan Laws.
    Russia 1921.
    Germany 1928.
    Germany 1933.
    Castro 1959.

    No Mo Joe is just a bad liar.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I should probably take the M1 out to the range and run a few clips of ammo through the old gal. It’s been a couple decades. She’s a good shooter, I used her in DCM matches before transitioning over to AR15s in the early 1990’s.

  10. Abigail, let’s start by expunging the words “general Welfare” everywhere in the Constitution and force a rewrite of Article I, Section 8: “To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States,…” to be more exact in its meaning, i.e., Congress is NOT to regulate the products of Commerce.

  11. My M1 Garand takes an 8 round en bloc clip so the ignorant old fool is admitting that is the absolute minimum number of rounds for a firearm, when he was actually trying to limit it to one.

    The truth is the government is expressly forbidden to tell me how many rounds my firearm can hold or how huge my arsenal can be.

  12. Jimmy — I’m with you all the way on that, sir! This was one of the most hotly debated phrases in the Constitution. And I can’t remember who the a$$hole was who won the debate. Probably Jefferson or Paine.

    So, where do we begin? Seriously.

  13. Seriously, Abigail, it’s not going to happen unless a Constitutional Phoenix rises from the dust of our collapse. Maybe there’s an outside chance of a voluntary Article V Convention of the States, but how to make sure it focuses on those two subjects (along with others, no doubt), is anyone’s guess. So, I just talk-up the subject when I can. Like here.

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